Chapter 34

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It was as if the world stood still at that point.  Everything inside of me should have been exploding...  But instead was frozen from the sheer shock.

My father.  The one that had been missing from my life since I was young,  was standing right in front of me.  Why?  I don't know.

We both stared at each other.  I was sure it was him. Otherwise, who would have such an old picture of Juliet and I in their wallet,  unless it was a creep of course.

Small pools of tears formed at the corner of my eyes.  I didn't know how to respond or even react. 

Suddenly,  my mind started working again.  The word coming from my mouth wasn't planned.  I just had to ask one question. 

"Why? "

I barely managed to get it out without breaking down into a waterfall of tears.

" I-" he started,  but then stopped noticing my state and that it wasn't time for an explanation. 

He started to cautiously walk towards me,  as if it would set off an alarm if he wasn't careful enough.  I guess he was right.

"Don't you dare get near me, " I stated clearly,  there no longer being a strain present in my voice.  The tears were still spilling into the sides of my cheeks,  but my inner state was recovered and ready to fight.

"Why would you leave our family,  all from a lie. It has been a lie all  along. You didn't even try to contact us. "

"I-"  he started,  but then abruptly stopped once again. 

"Just say it, " I stated,  my patience starting to ware off.

" I was supposed to be dead, " he stuttered,  his voice cracking at the end. 

"-AND JUST NOW YOU TRY TO CONTACT US!"  I screamed at the man I once knew as my father,  throwing the photo along with his wallet at him.  "I WAS THE SAD ONE.  THE ONE WHO MOURNED FOR YEARS BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD.  GONE.  GONE FROM MY LIFE FOREVER .  DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD THAT IS FOR A 6 YEAR OLD!?"  I shouted,  the tears overflowing resulting in my shirt getting soaked.

"It was for the best-" he tried to say,  but I stopped him once again.

"Just stop.  Before, I had faith in finding you,  dreaming about the things I would say to you if you weren't dead.  But now....  Now I know that you didn't care enough to find us when we were younger.  I'm upset.  Rea-"


I jumped at the sudden rage that illuminated from my father,  something I had never seen before.  He must've sensed my fear,  because he motioned closer to me,  sighing.

"The order is up,  I can now talk to you unless you want to put a restraining order on me too. "

My breath hitched.  Restraining order?  My mother would do that to make sure he stayed away?

"I-"  I started, but was stopped by him this time again.

"I just wanted to see my little princesses again. "

And with that,  he left the suite,  leaving me standing there. 


Breath.  Breath. 

It was getting harder and harder since I was contained in a black bag. This can't happen to me again. Not again.

My breathing quickened every second,  my lungs feeling as if they were going to burst.  In such a moment,  flashbacks came back of such moments like this when I was younger. A black bag similar to this, taking me away.

I wanted to move around, but felt as if I couldn't. If I did, it was almost as if they would drop me, or leave me somewhere in the middle of nowhere knowing that I was awake.

But I was in the Bahamas, how far could they even take me without leaving the island?

First things first, I had to figure out where I was, recalling the events minutes, maybe hours, I don't know, before I was taken. Nothing at all made sense. There were no pieces to help put the puzzle together. I had only recognized Felix running, but paid no attention to the other boys who were sprinting in front of him. 

"Set her down."

My thought process had stopped, my breath hitching. I immediatley regretted it.

"Uncover her," said a deep voice, sounding extremely familiar. Who did that voice belong to again? A small sneer?

The black cloth was lifted around me to find David, sitting in a chair facing me. 

I looked around the room on instinct, taking in all of its features just in case I had to report anything to the police. Surprsingly, we were in a hotel room. A nice one, to say. David must've had money to afford such a suite. 

"W-what do you want from me?" I managed to stutter out after studying the living room I was sitting in, my arms and legs tied together as if i was in some action movie. My life was practically an action and comedy story.


His voice was serious, almost monotone, as he said it. 

"H-how..." I began, but he interuptted me.

"Oh c'mon, Avery would never get thar comfortable and close with me. She has been denying me all this time, and then randomley invite her and a.)she actually comes, and b.) she acknowlegdes my exsistence." 

Yea, my life is definitely a comedy.

"Why do you want her so bad? Has she ever been nice to you the way that I had?" I stated, trying to charm him into letting me go.

He got out of the chair, starting a walk around the room.

"It's her rejection that has me drawn so much to her. Beautiful, intriguing, and tries not to draw attention to herself through anything but sarcasm. For four years, four years, this has been my drive to get her. I'm in love with Avery Monistead, and I'm not going to hold back anymore."

I just sat there, completely justified at his words. Was the only reason Avery was ever popular was because of her attitude? Her affect it had on different types of people? Had I been doing it wrong my entire life?

"Get Avery to come here, and I'll leave you be."

"What are you going to do with her?"

"I-" he started, but tripped on the carpet. He quickly recomposed himself and finished his response. "I'm not going to do anything to hurt her, matter of fact it is none of your concern."

"Actually, it is."

"Can someone please cover her mouth again?"


"The one that you came back to every other night at midnight."

"That doesn't mean you're an ugly arsehole."

"Not time for flirting."

"I wasn't... I was just saying-"

"Somebody get her the phone!"

One of the men completely dressed in black, looked about 6'2, hurried over and grabbed David's phone in his big clumsy hands. He then rushed over and put Avery on speed dial. How did he even get her phone number again?

The phone rung, the silence in the room causing me to go mental. The anticiption of waiting was terrible. 

She had to pick up that phone call. 

A new book is up! It's a paranormal for all you paranormal readers, and it is still just an idea, but I hope I can continue it! It's called 'Never Peaceful' and may or may not be a Pewdiepie Fanfiction but will definitely involve him in it! Please check it out and leave a comment saying you did! I'll happily read your stories and comment and vote back!! 

Thanks for reading!! xx

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