Chapter 14

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The anticipation had been pumping at my muscles. Was that her? Everything would've lined up perfectly. The brainwashing, the reasoning behind this entire place. Even they way she looked had linked to my mother and I. 

Maybe, just maybe, my life could be normal again. I ran and turned corners as Felix followed in a pursuit behind me. I know this might be a little crazy, but this time I think I'm right. The little consious in my head is pushing me to the limit as my legs jerked another corner, almost making Felix fall. Wow, I didn't know she was that far away or that was fast. The only time I was this fast was when-

A large couch had suddenly invaded my running spree, and when I had attempted to jump over it, my feet hadn't gone higher then a few inches. I went head first into the couch and then backflipped to the ground. I know, amazing gymnist here. 

I rubbed the back of my head as Felix appeared beside me, sweat dripping down his forehead. 

"We're not playing tag here." he stated, helping me up. I didn't have time for jokes, nor did I have time to explain. I just said the first thing that popped into my mind. 

"Felix, I finally think I may have found her, just let me try and find her. Go back to the group and run before you miss the truck. I really, really think she's here!" I finished as I was already 10 feet from where I prevoiusly was. 

I began my sprint once more before I started to recognize where we had exited from the dungeon. I retraced the steps we had started and stepped into the kitchen, where I spotted her. 

I looked gross, with the sweat rolling down my face and hanging onto my breath for dear life. I felt like just lying on the cold ground and staying there. But I didn't have much time. 

With the smallest amount of breath i had left, I had asked her the question. 

"W-What's your name?" 

"Juliet Monistead, why?" 


Very short chapter because I kind of wanted to end on a cliffhanger? Plus I literally have a ton of homework to do...

Please comment what you think on this chapter! I will love you forever if you comment something even if its 'lol' because its nice you took your time out of day to comment and-

I'll just stop right there....

Thanks for reading!! xx


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