Chapter 29

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Avery’s P.O.V

We had finally reached the hotel and had all piled out of the car, Juliet being the last one to leave. Felix and Marzia had been dropped off at their suite a while ago.

All 5 of us had compiled into the elevator and made our way to the suite.

I jumped onto my soft bed, and groaned. I shouldn’t do that when I had just eaten. Juliet had sent me a look, drawing her attention away from the book she was reading titled, ‘The Fault in our Stars,’ a book that had had her attention since before we got on the plane. Must be a pretty good book.

A rotten taste had soon met my tongue, making me want to gag. I rushed to the bathroom and hurled into the toilet. Yea, jumping on beds aren’t my thing.

“A perfectly good meal wasted,” I muttered after wiping my mouth on a towel nearby. I noticed some mints in a bowl and popped 3 of them into my mouth to get rid of that fowl taste.

 Just as I was about to leave, a small, white feather flew in from the open bathroom window, catching my attention.

Even if it was a plain looking feather to a normal person, it had this interesting glow to me, as if it carried a message or story to tell. I know, I have a crazy imagination, but that’s what gets me through life right?

Following my tuition, I decided to try and capture the fascinating feather.

It flew out of the room, me chasing after it, which wasn’t a good idea as I had just thrown up a few minutes ago.

But that didn’t matter, not at all.

The feather had floated into my parents and Haley’s room, them not being in there. They must’ve gone somewhere else.

After tripping over many random items sprawled across the floor, the feather finally landed on a book. The book looked like an enchanting one, with a leather binding and a unique way to close it. With my curiosity, I decided to check the book since the feather had landed on it.

Snatching the feather and shoving it in my pocket, I opened the notebook, realizing it was my mom’s by her handwriting.

The first page was labeled, June 8th, 1998- Juliet

Juliet is a pure pain in the ass, believe me. Nothing like her twin Avery. All Juliet does is cry all day and night, complain that she’s hungry and throws and breaks things around the house. I wish Avery was just a single child.

My eyes grew twice in size. How could my mom say that!? About her own child! My outlook on her had just changed from respected and annoying to disrespected and annoying. Nobody should say that about their child, plus maybe Juliet was just an immature little brat like now. I decided to continue reading.

August 10th, 1998 - struggles

We’re doing terrible. The house is up for sale and I have no idea where we’re going to go, especially with 2 children. Greg and I are in financial pain. I thought the guy was rich! He had promised me that I would never be in a debt ditch again, he lied. The only reason I wanted to be with him was because of his wealthy family, believe it or not. I’m regretting having children with him, no wait, even BEING with him. I need some way to get rid of him…

I dropped the book as my mom, JDot, and Haley entered the room.

My mom, no, she couldn’t have.

My mom would NOT kill my father, she loved him, and I saw that with my own eyes even with the small gestures they would give each other.

“Honey, what are you doing?” she said, coming closer and closer to me. I didn’t want to breathe the same air as her anymore.

When I was younger, I had thought that I was the second to love my father. My mom was always the first. She loved him with her whole soul, while she said I only loved him with all my heart, and that I didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘love’.

I now know that the only person who loved my father more than my mom was me. I in fact did love him with all my heart AND soul, even to this day.

I scurried around frantically picking up the leather bound book that held so many secrets and shoved it into my hoodie that I was wearing.

My mom, oh never mind, traitor, no, JDot2, is her new name, was coming at my full speed, as if she knew I had found it. I had to put on the best act possible.

“M-Mom,” I stuttered, mentally cursing myself. “Look at this cool feather I found!” I said, reaching into my pocket to yank out the white feather that had led me here, to this book.

She smiled, completely oblivious to the situation at hand. As long as she doesn’t notice her book went missing.

“Oh cool honey,” she smiled. But that smile didn’t make me happy anymore. It only showed that after what she had done, was all forgotten 16 years ago. It didn’t haunt her the way it should have.

I mustered up a fake smile and shoved the feather back into my pocket as I exited the room, hearing, “Avery did you happen to see a book on the dresser?”

Praying that my voice wouldn’t crack, I yelled, “No, I can help you look for it later though.”

I ran into the room once I was a far distance away from that… murderer.

Juliet gave me a weird stare as I enveloped myself underneath the sheets and blanket.

“What are you doing in there sis? Doing something terrible?” she said, and I could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

“Are you referring to porn?” I said, uncovering myself to give her a nasty glare. She broke out laughing, dropping her book to her bed.

“N-No! I meant like farting!” she gasped, laughing in between each word. Ignoring her, I covered myself back up in my sheets and opened the book once more, wishing I had a light so then I could see more clearly.

I turned to the next page.

December 5th, 1999

I finally have a plan to get rid of the scum bag living off of me. But it will take a few years to complete so then my girls wouldn’t suspect anything. He’ll have to die in order for me to not pay the divorce bill, but I’m not going to kill him, no.

We will have to fake his death.

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