Chapter 33

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Ok I just wrote like a really long chapter and it all got deleted so this is a rewrite. Please don't be offended if it's bad or seems rushed!

August 1st, 2014

He called, and he wants to see his two 16 year old daughters. I don't think that'd be a good idea, since they think he's dead. I would become to bad guy, and I don't want that happening since my relationship with my family is perfect right now. I don't want Avery to want to strangle me, or I don't want Julie to hate me even more then before. This vacation was just what we needed to get away from him, to get away from everything. Yes, he flew to Sweden to try and find us. No, he doesn't know that we're in the Bahamas, and he won't know. He won't get to us, and if I have to, I'll order a restraining order to make sure he stays away from us. They can't know he's alive.

She is literally a demon, one that cannot be fixed in any way. People like this cannot be fixed, but must be stopped. It's the only way. I'll have to have a talk with her and pull audible proof that she's trying to keep dad away from us.

I rose off of my bed and went out of the hotel room and practically ran out of the door, bumping into someone. I fell flat on my butt, moaning in pain. I had also heard then moan in pain, the voice sounding familiar.

"Watch where you're goi-" I started, stopping. It was that same guy who helped me pick up my bags when they fell off that trolley thing.

"Sorry- UM, hi? " I started, mentally patting myself on the back for my awkwardness.

All I saw was blue eyes and spiked hair before they quickly got up and rushed out of the hallway in mere seconds. Wow, definitely a gentleman.

I got up, scratching my head before continuing to walk again. That was weird-

"Ouch!" yelled another voice. I looked up to see I had banged heads with a fluff of firetruck red hair.

"Hell, " I mumbled under my breath.

" Before it was Luke and now this? What is up with everyone today?" he mumbled before running off in the direction that the blue eyed boy ran in.

Rubbing my head, utterly confused, I continued walking, this time keeping my head up so then I can avoid anymore head on collisions.

"Avery? "

I turned around, noticing Juliet had called my name. What now?

" Watch out! "

" Wha? " I stuttered before being pushed forward by another ongoing force.

Wanting to kill somebody, now Juliet, I turned around to give whoever knocked me down a real run for their money, when I was now met by a pair of familiar blue eyes.

" Felix, what the HECK. "

" Sorry Avery! No time to talk, I need to catch up, " he said before getting up from the floor.

Still on the ground, I yelled, " WHAT THE HELL IS GOING On? "

"Language, Avery!" yelled JDot2.

I decided to ignore my mom's warning and walk in the direction that all the fuss was headed in, Juliet, being the nosy wangchung she is, deciding to follow me. She didn't even ask if I was sore or not. Hmph .

I turned the corner to be hit in the face with a rough hand. My face turned along with the hand, a warm feeling spreading up my cheeks. It would definitely leave a red mark. I was still clueless as to what was going on, now more angry and confused then before.

Going to Sweden |A Pewdiepie Fanfic|Where stories live. Discover now