Chapter 22

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He started leaning in more and more. I mean, I REALLY wanted to kiss him. He was charming, polite, sweet. But I didn't want to just LEAVE Juliet like that staring daggers at me.

But then again maybe I did.

I'm thinking way to much about this. Just kiss him, Juliet DID bring you into this!

I leaned foward, and pressed my lips against his. They were soft and smooth. Sparks ignited in my head. Forget that,  in my entire body. Chills spread through me and I pulled away in a matter of seconds.

I smiled at Ashton as he smiled back at me, grinning like a little kid.

Did I feel guilty? No! Of course not! It was worth it, just to mess with Juliet. Also, I got to kiss an Australian band member. Totally not guilty.

I locked eyes with him as he did with me. These beautiful, irises of his.

"HEY! BACK AWAY FROM MY GIRL!" shouted a random person from down the isle.

I froze.

It couldn't be me right? I wasn't dating anyone at the moment. Plus it wasn't like anyone 'owned' me.

But whoopde doo  I have terrible luck.

David rushed down the isle,  elbowing a poor man in the process  in the eye. He stopped right in front of Ashton and I, trying to murder Ashton with his eyes. How'd he see us if he was in the other room?

"Did I just see you press lips with my girlfriend? " he asked,  crossing his arms.

Ashton looked at me worriedly before I looked back at David.

"David, are seriously going to LIE to my face telling me and everyone else on the plane that I belong to you? Not meaning to be rude here but we never went out. And we're never going to."

I saw Davids lip quiver, and my tone softened a bit. But if my expression softened, he would go running like a little girl or shouting in triumph because he won. Yes, that's David for you.

I looked away from David's blue eyes and went back to Ashton's green ones.

I mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to Ashton, and shooed away David like a fly while shooting a dangerous glare at him.

"I will get you Avery Monistead," were his final words  before he turned around, leaving as he came. Stomping and complaining.

"I'm sorry, Ashton, you know the story about that," I blushed. Wow, I really did tell him everything.

"Lol it's alright, " he said, earning a slap on the arm.

"Proper english!" I stated, making him laugh. His laugh was beautiful. Ugh I sound like some lovestruck idiot.

Juliets P.O.V

Yea, I saw that entire little episode. Did I have any idea what was going on?  No, of course not. Why would Avery turn down a hottie like that? He seemed pretty in love with her when he walked down the isle, elbowing JDOT in the face just to get to her.

I have to admit, that was pretty funny, but I had to keep a straight face when he clutched his eye, glaring at the rest of the family as if saying, 'I'm going to kill him.' 

Girlfriend? I thought Avery was always a bit to, lets just say, petruding to have a person actually love her. In other words she was a bit mean, at least she was honest. I don't regret her finding me because I really do miss her and the rest of my family. 

Besides getting all sappy, she just completely waved him off like he was nothing! Maybe I should see if I can swoop in and get me some of that blue eyed action she left behind. 

What am I turning into? 

Avery's P.O.V

"The plane is now landing, please brace yourself for it could be a very bumpy ride," said the same, cheerful flight attendant that had helped David up. I gripped the sides of the armrests and closed my eyes. I wasn't good with the airplane landings, they always left me somewhat sick afterwards. 

I felt a sudden hand press against my own, and looked up too see Ashton locking his eyes with me. Romantic flirt. 

I shyly smiled at him before closing my eyes again, this time more nervous then before. Let me tell you, nothing was settled in my stomach. When the plane got closer to the ground, It rattled more and more. The plane was almost shaking violently back and forth. Apperently this was normal, because everyone else was still acting as if nothing was happening. 

"The plane will be landing in five minutes, please once again embrace yourself for the ride," said the same attendant. I was starting to hate her more then I hate Juliet at the moment, which was saying a lot considering what Juliet had done today. 

How could anyone seem so calm in a situation like this? It felt like an earthquake!

Ashton gripped my hand tighter, so tight that once I opened my eyes, I saw that his eyes were closed to, and that his knuckles were white. I guess we share the same fear of landing planes. I almost felt like leaning over and hugging him. But if I moved anymore, I might completely throw up, ruining my chance of ever speaking to him again. 

I awaited for the final 'bump', that signaled the plane was finally on the ground. 

Like I said before, the plane got shakier and shakier the closer we got to the ground, which was also building up my anticipation. I glanced over to the rest of my family on the other side of the plane. JDot was clutching his eye, Hailey was asleep, My mom was still watching her movie, and Juliet- wait where's Juliet? 

I swear she was just there shooting daggers at me a few seconds ago. 

"We are now landing, please hold onto your seats if you need the support. It'll be a bumpy ride people," said the same FREAKING flight attendant. 

I closed my eyes again. A sudden rumble stirred around in my stomach. It felt as if jumping fish were flying around my stomach. Gripping Ashton's hand harder, if that was possible, I clamped my mouth shut using my teeth.It soon collected in my throat, and without warning, I spewed my breakfast and lunch all in one spot.

Thank god it wasn't all over the plane. I felt sick to my stomach. I finally opened my eyes to see where I had vomited. 

Oh God. 

Thanks for commenting! Every now and then I'll have  something where you guys decide what happens in the story! Thanks for reading! x

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