Chapter 16

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Thanks for all the reads! It really means a lot for you to click on every chapter and read it because I put my time and effort into writing these chapters! 

Enjoy the chapter! ^__^

"B- but mom, he's  not supposed to be dead." I stuttered nervously, gripping onto my mom's sleeve for support. 

"It's alright honey, everything has an end, its just this end came a bit too early," she whispered, patting my head. Her voice had choked up, as if the tears were waiting to fall. 

"Where's daddy now?"

"He's in a much better place." 

"Where's that?" 

"A place all of us end up sooner or later, everyone goes there." 

"So, grandma is now with daddy?"

"Yes, Avery." 

I woke up, beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. I was taking rapid breaths, my chest heaving up and down. I touched my face to notice tears had rolled down my cheeks. 

Once again I had a dream about my dad's funeral. 

Ok, I didn't know the guy exactly, but somehow he sticks in my mind, sort of like he's still here to guide me in life's problems. He's been popping into my dreams lately. 

A small knock on the door made me jolt up, praying it wasn't a creeper in my house at 2am. I carefully arose from my bed, was careful not to trip over things, and opened the door a small creek, the light shining in. 

I saw Juliet with a blanket, her eyes as bloodshot and her face as messed up as I guess mine was. 

"Did you have a bad dream to?" she squeaked. 

I nodded, wiping away the tears. 

"A-About, dad?" she stuttered, me suddenly feeling more sympathy for her then myself. She's been missing for almost all of her life, yet she still has sudden flashbacks of our dead father's funeral.

I slowly nodded, afraid of her response. How could have had the same dream?

"What if he's still alive, Avery, what if this was a sign?" 

"No, I don't believe so. I've been having the dreams for a while now," I stated. I was AT his funeral and so was Juliet, I just can't remember her ever being there. Plus, those things only happen in the movies.

As if she read my mind, she whispered, "I think this is more then what can happen in a movie." I rolled my eyes. 

I opened my door a little more to let her in. She sat criss cross on my bed as I took the spinny chair that my mom had just bought a few days ago. 

"Well what could all of this mean? If us twins, literal twins had the same exact dream on the same exact night, waking up at the same exact time, isn't that just like twin telepathy or something?" I said, rubbing my eyes from the sudden light in my room. 

"No! I want to look more into this," she stated, throwing her blanket around her shoulders. "Is it possible for him to be alive? Can we find him? What if that was a fake body in the funeral case-"

"Can you just shut-up Juliet?' I asked polietly, taking my head in my hands. She stayed quiet as I thought of a plan. I can't even begin to think my father would be alive. Plus, people living on this earth aren't capable of finding their way into you dreams to send a message, hence every cliche horror movie out there.

Why the heck would there be a fake body in the funeral case? Why would my own dad fake his death? Did he not want me and Juliet? Plus, I saw the body in there myself, and for sure that was him. In order to find out answers, there was only one place to go.

The funeral home. 


"I swear if Marzia wakes up I'm literally going to die for this," whispered Felix on the phone. 

"I know I know, but I'll owe you a ton," I said, ending the call before sticking my left foot out the window. The best plan we could think of was to return to the funeral home at 3am in the morning. I know its crazy since we're in Sweden and we have to drive all the way to california and it should take a few days but I don't think Felix has realized that yet.

I mean I could just look it up on the interent but my laptops gone and we had just lost wifi in the house and we're going to get it a week from now. I couldn't wait a week!

"Uh, Avery, I don't think this is a good idea. What if mom-," Juliet started, but then shut up when I shot her a glare. 

"Well since we're twins, you could roleplay as me, we've already been through this. My clothing is in the closet, knock yourself out." 

"But what if we're caught? I'll be interrogated to death!" 

"It's all for good reasoning," I stated. But she was semi-right. If I was caught away from home with no logical reasoning I'll be grounded for life. No, even in my grave I'd be grounded. (Pun Intended.)

Plus, since Felix was my only ride, I was forced to drag him along to. I explained the theory to him and he seemed pretty excited until I told him I needed a ride there and that he was my only choice. 

"Wait, can't you just call the funeral home?" said Juliet, rubbing her chin. 

"Uhm, no?" I said, about to leap onto a tree branch when I was yanked back inside. Even in the dark I could see Juliet's bright red face. 

Even though her voice was below a whisper, it felt as if large bells had begun ringing. 


I had understood the first part but everything just slurred in words after. Juliet's eyes rolled back to her forehead, and she fell to the ground. 

My heart beat picked up. Felix outside in car, Juliet laying unconcious in room. 

Eh, time to hop out the window. 

"I heard a loud thump and- Avery! Juliet?! What happened!? Are you guys alright? Why does Juliet have foam in her mouth?! Avery why are you dressed and the bedroom window open!?" My mom started firing random questions at me and I had no idea how to answer them. 

Would I just tell my mom, Oh I was just about to sneak out and drive to california to find my apparently dead dad's coffin?

I needed a quick answer. Anything. Think brain think. 

"We're just.... cosplaying! Practicing for this flyer we saw in town a couple of days ago! It's about... uhm.... a horror mystery!" I quickly thought up. 

"Oh, well then carry on," my mom said, shutting the door behind her. When my mom is tired, she's REALLY tired. 

I fell to the ground, shaking Juliet to wake her up, the foam in her mouth flying everywhere. I scrunched up my nose in disgust as my phone began ringing. I picked up with the uttermost annoyance only to hear Felix's voice. 

"Av, I just got off the phone with Marzia, I'm heading back home so-"

"So that's what this is!" yelled another voice. 

Oh god. 

"Your cheating on me with a 16 year old!? I left all my family in Italy a few years ago to be here with YOU!?  Felix, I'm moving back  to Italy to find my true lover. We're through." 

The line hung up, a longing beep that seemed to go on forever. My heart was being grabbed in and out of my chest over and over again. Me. I did it. I broke up one of the cutest couples in Sweden due to my stupid ideas. 

Felix hates me. Marzia hates me. I hate me. 

What have I done? 

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