Chapter 10

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I awoke to coughing and the sound of many people gasping. My eyes were too heavy to lift; so I just stayed still, afraid someone might be watching me. My first instinct was to get up, ninja kick whoever just kidnapped me and Felix, and escape here and be a hero. But things like that only appeared in the movies. 

I heard footsteps move around me, shuffling near my ear. Faint grumbles and laughs were coming from another room. Where was I? Who had taken me? 

After deciding to take a risk, I opened my eyes just enough to peek at where I was. A small, yellow room with a door on both sides. It seemed as if I was in an interogation room. There was a large window looking out to another room which from my view, I could see tables and a few chairs, people sitting in them. 

They looked as if either the life had been drained from them, they had no idea what was going on, or were sound asleep just as I was. My eyes settled back down to my room, scanning the floor where I was surrounded by many other people around my age, not including Felix. Where was he? 

Afraid to make a move, only my eyes wandered over to meet green eyes, which looked just as lively as my blue. Our eyes locked as we stared at each other. I was surprised, and wanted to reach out. But I didn't want any of us to risk our lives. Who knows what this person could've done to us when we were all knocked out? And why take me? Felix is the famous one. Not meaning to be rude or anything. 

My mind focused back to the boy, his eyes motioning over to a moving doorknob. I shut my eyes, but opened them by tiny slits just enough so then they wouldn't know I was awake. I listened to them, and saw a long beard. 

"What are we supposed to do with these ones? There's not enough chairs," said one with a deep rusty voice. I heard clicking heels on the floor. Red, ruby fingernails showed with long, tall black boots. 

"Then wake them up, dammit. Lay them against the wall. Do anything so then they don't drool on my floor. Nasty little things," she said, making me want to get right up and punch her in the face. But since she was with the tall bearded man, I had no choice but to just sit there and listen. 

"Yes, mad'am," he said, reaching down for a random person with long, messy hair. The clicking soon died out, and the shuffling of feet was oncr again heard. 

Sooner or later, it was my turn to get laid up against the wall. The rough hands touched my shoulders, and my back had touched a smooth surface. 

A loud bellowing made me wince slightly. 

"Done! Mad'am, I will leave now once I had get my money-." before he could finish his sentence, he was gone. Gone. I opened my eyes, expecting people to be in the room, but I only saw his dirty boot prints that used to be. 

I moaned as I moved around, not scared of people monitoring me anymore. 

"I see your as lively as I am," said the boy, a hint of british accent. 

I gave him a smile and nodded, immediatley getting a headache afterwards. 

"Take it slow, I'm sure the others will wake up soon. Do you mind to tell me where we are?" he asked politley. 

"I have no idea. I was with my friend Felix and smoke and stuff came out of nowhere," I stated, rubbing my head to help remember the occurence. 

"Oh, I knew you weren't a youtuber, I mean I haven't seen or heard of you before," he stated, smiling at me. His smile was bright, but there was something underneath it. 

"Flirtoius aren't you?" I asked. 

"Yes, I am quite a cheeky chap," he said, rising off the ground and dusting his pants off. He held his hand out for me and I took it without hesitation. I dusted my clothing off as well. 

"Avery," I said, holding out my hand. 

"Finn," he said, taking my invite. 

"So.... you know these people?" I asked, gesturing to all the lifeless people laying on the ground, some snoring, some drooling. 

"Yes, their my friends actually," he stated, looking at all of them with adoration. "We were partying somehwere. I don't quite remember, but suddenly a lot of smoke had rised and now I'm here," he said, raising his arms slightly looking at the place. 

"But excuse me, we must find some way to escape, I hope the door isn't locked and that the beard guy had forgotten to," he said, walking over to the door. I followed behind him like a lost puppy. 

He pulled on the doorknob, and with a little rough jabbing, opened it with a large creak. I winced and closed my eyes. We're SO going to get caught. 

He pulled me out into the halls, my eyes opening. We both looked up and down the hallways in the same fashion. 

"We can't leave the others here," I whispered to him. 

"I know, but right now we worry about us, not them." 

"Ok," I whispered as he dragged me down the hall. Room 4b was the room we were in, remember that. 

We rounded the corner and my breathing stopped when I we were face to face with a large, muscular man, having a billion tattoos rather then a long red beard. 

"Hello, mate, I was just wondering where your main doors are? We're visitors here and are confused as to where the exit was."

I had 2 choices. Either smack him, or facepalm. I chose to facepalm. 

"Eheheheh sure. If you take 2 lefts and a right, you'll see a hallway. Head down there and you'll come to a door. There's a key underneath the mat. You can head out from there," he said, continuing his walk past us. 

"Thanks," said Finn, and once again grabbed my arm dragging me down the hallway. 

"Before you ask, I'm prone to charm, even in a situation like this," he said, quickly winking at me from behind. 

My cheeks threathend to explode. Who was this person? And how was he actually getting a reaction out of me? I mean, I AM pretty hard to charm. 


We got to the door and Finn reached down and threw the mat into the air, grabbing the key. The 'welcome' mat dropped to the floor with a loud thud. 

"You've got to be more careful!" I whispered hasrshly to him. The urge to punch that beautiful face of his was real. 

"Love, I don't DO careful, I do RISKY," he said, shoving the key into the doorknob. 


He poked his head out onto the other side of the door and moved it left or right. 

"Dang it! Its just a dark room!" he yelled into it, the sound echoing. 

"They're going to hear you idiot!" I once again whispered harshly to him. 

"Dont worry, lo-," 

Finns arm was taken and quickly dragged into the room, soon being envoloped by darkness. What the heck is happening! 

"Finn!" I yelled, sprinting towards the door, remembering what had happened to him. Before I could turn around and run, my hand was gripped firmly, and I was dragged into the darkness, blackness taking over my eyesight. 


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