Chapter 26

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-Heads up, this chapter has a lot of P.O.V switches-

Juliet's P.O.V

I strolled silently behind my sister, embarassed and tired. Running really tired me out. I lost. I lost the ongoing battle already, and a day didn't even pass yet. 

We arrived at our hotel, taking the elevator upstairs to our room. As I walked in, I was greeted by a blushing Felix, with the girl I assume is Marzia at his side. 

"Hello, is Avery here?" he asked, reminding me that Avery went into our parents and Haley's room. 

"Why do you ask?" I say, throwing my jacket that I took before I left on my bed. 

"Because we're having dinner with you guys and-"

"Oh yea, whatever. She's in the next room," I say, not wanting to hear anyone's voices right now. Felix nodded his head before heading out and into the next room, voices arising. Maybe I should go in there. Maybe I shouldn't. I'll just stay here. 

My phone beeped, signaling I had gotten a message. It's too much to check it right now, maybe I shouldn't. 

I'll just stay here.

Avery's P.O.V

After I greeted Felix with a grand hug and we parted, my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I engulfed Marzia in a tight hug before checking my phone. Just as I was about to click on the message, Felix spoke, distracting me. 

"Let's get going, we don't want to be late. I made reservations," said Felix, fixing his tie as if he was proud of himself. Marzia bumped him in the stomach with her elbow, and all of us laughed as we exited the hotel room. 

As we neared closer and closer to the elevator, my phone beeped again. I pulled it out and decided to check the message now. It was from Juliet. 

From: Pisshead

hey did u get the message 2?

To: Pisshead

speak in proper terms please, I don't understand what you're saying

From: Pisshead

Fine, even though thats a lot a work. Have you gotten another text message recently?

To: Pisshead

Yes, but I didn't check it yet but I will.... and why aren't you here?

From: Pisshead

Because I'm really tired AFTER DOING A SPRINT FOR ABOUT A MILE, YOU HAD A SKATEBOARD.... and it's very suspicious, I suggest checking it out 

To: Pisshead

You better get your butt next to me before we go down in the elevator or else I'll text David saying you were frauding me this entire time or else I WON'T check out this mysterious text message

From: Pisshead


I put my phone down and just before the elevator door closed, I heard heels clanking down the carpet floor, heavy panting so loud I just knew it was Juliet.

I stopped my hand in between the doors just in time to let her in.

"Juliet, honey, so glad you could join us," said my mom, linking her hands with JDots.

She gave her a fake smile before locking eyes with me, and then staring down at my phone, expecting me to check it immediatley. 

In the car, my eyes told her. She nodded and looked straight foward. Suddenly the elevator ride down felt like the longest one in the world.

Juliet's P.O.V -Sorry for so much switches-


I decided to get off my lazy butt and check my phone. I'm not very good with anxiousness, even if I'm extremely lazy. I clicked on the message and my mouth dropped. 

I'm alive, Avery and Juliet Monistead. I'm alive.

There was no number, the person remaining a mystery.

Felix P.O.V

I fixed my tie that I had significantly put on my myself. It took a lot of hard work, and Marzia didn't have to do it for me this time.

I held up my chin as we continued sown the elevator.

I looked over at Avery, who had a disturbed look on her face. What was wrong?

I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "What's up."

Completely ignoring me, she continued looking straight foward. I was completely oblivious to the entire situation.

The elevator dinged,  signaling the end of the most awkward elevator ride ever.

I stepped out, linking my hands with Marzia's as we exited the hotel.

I dashed into the small limo parked in the front and decided to sit on the opposite end of Marzia. Soon the rest of the family came shuffling in, Avery taking a seat next to me, and Marzia tensing. I couldn't reach her from here, but I reassured her with my eyes that it was all going to be alright. She still didn't  completely trust me after the first incident. Even sitting next to Avery caused her to tense.

When Marzia started to look out the window, I decided to try Avery again.

"What's wrong?" I asked, this time sounding more serious.

I decided to end the chapter here

Here's where you decide, should Avery tell him what happened? You remember what happened last time she told him something like this.

And I've also responded and yes there will be more Felix, don't worry :)

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