Chapter 27

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Avery's P.O.V

I really don't want to tell him. I can't, not after what happened last time. Last time I told him about my dad he and Marzia ended in this big fight. 

But he looked worried, like he generally cared about the situation, which was why I didn't want to tell him. He would get to much into it, causing Marzia to drift away from him again. 

I continued ignoring his silent eye pleas to try to break through my barriers, but I wouldn't let him. I realized that before, bringing him into my situation was a terrible idea. Telling him that a person is sending me messages that I believe to be my father again will only worry him. I've had enough of people worrying about me.

But what if I tell him? What will he do? Will he jump out of the limo and take me and Juliet with him, leaving Marzia on her own? Nah, my mind is just playing tricks on me. 

This vacation was meant for him and Marzia, and I can't just butt in whenever I want to. So I'm not going to tell him. Might as well keep our little problem between me and Juliet. 

"Felix," whispered Juliet, dragging his attention away from me. I looked over at them to see Juliet pulling out her phone, and pressing on the message session. Oh no she doesn't.

Juliet's P.O.V

Why is Avery getting all the attention? I know we've been past all of this with David drama but I'm sad too. He's MY dad to. Yet Felix is hovering all over Avery asking her whats wrong when I have the same glum look on my face as her.

I was jealous, as much as I hated to admit it.

Deciding on my tuition, I pulled out my phone and tapped his shoulder, getting his attention and pulling it away from Avery. I clicked on my message section, ignoring the threatening glare being sent my way. I know I was going to pay for it, but it was worth it. Maybe he could help us again. I can't quite recall what happened last time he tried to help us but I do remember it wasn't a good outcome. 

Maybe this is it. Maybe this is our final way to find our father after all these years of us believing he was dead.

I clicked on our conversation and showed it to Felix. His mouth dropped, getting the attention from Avery and his girlfriend from across the seat. Just what I had wanted.

Felix's P.O.V

No, not again. I'm not going to get dragged into a situation that's none of my business. I can't risk Marzia's and I's relationship once more, because I can't even begin to think of losing her. I love her with all my heart.

I know that my new found friends of a few months ago have a supposed 'dead' father that they believe to be alive, but I can't handle all of everything at once.  Isn't there anything else that I can do besides getting completely dragged into this. 

Now I know why Avery didn't want to tell me, she didn't want me getting into anything I didn't deserve to. She genuinely cares about me the same way I care about her. But why would her sister show me the text? I see the terrible glares that's being sent towards her. She just wants me in the situation doesn't she? Or maybe she just wants to find her dad. Either way, I cannot help this time.

I lent down to whisper in her ear. 

"I can't help you, Juliet, I can't get into a mess again," I said, not wanting to explain the events that occured last time I tried to help. She looked at me as if I ran over her dog, not the reaction I was expecting. 

"Of course you would help Avery when she was in need, but for me, of course not!" She screamed turning away from me.

We had now gotten the attention of the entire limo audience.

Marzia gave me the sternest glare, and I felt like belting out that it wasn't what she thought it was. I decided that from then on I disliked Juliet. She brought trouble wherever she went, nothing like her sister.

From the corner of my eye I saw Avery send me a glance, as if she was agreeing that her sister was an attention whore. 

"Go solve your own problems," I said harshly, switching sides so then I wouldn't have to sit next to her. I wrapped my arms around  Marzia as she nestled herself into my neck. 

As I saw a tear roll from her left eye, I felt guilty for being so harsh to such a young girl. Well, teenager. She DID just want to find her dad, and I was preventing that. Plus it looked like she and Avery didn't want to get anyone else involved but me. They needed to make a new friend that could drive them places and not have a girlfriend and have tons of free time. That shouldn't be difficult.

After driving silently in the car, we finally pulled up to the resturant. This was a regrettful drive. I don't even know why I agreed to this. Oh right, it was for Avery's sake. We all awkwardly shuffled out of the limo and continued up the path to the expensive looking place. Lights aluminated from the windows, creating a creepy aura. Just from the look of the place I wasn't sure if I wanted to go in. 

I linked my arms with Marzia's as we both entered behind all the others. Our table was found quickly and we sat down, getting comfortable.

This was going to be a long dinner.

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