I'd Love To

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{JJ's POV}

Why did I need to tell him about Will and I arguing, I don't know, but I did. It actually made me feel better. Plus he called me honey, which I really like- no JJ! You're married! But he's so cute. With his big brown eyes and his cute little curly long brown hair. The way his curls go down his neck so perfectly. I wonder how he would be if we were married. If he would be supportive of my job. We have the same job so of corse he would be. Why am I thinking about if we were married? I can't help it though. The last few years I've thought about what life would be like with him. I just didn't tell anyone. Will would get mad, Morgan would tell everyone, Hotch would probably reassign me or him, Rossi would tell me how much of a bad idea it is, Garcia would go on and on about it, Emily.. Well she'd just flat out tell me to get over it and move on. But I can't.

{Reid's POV}

I know JJ's looking at me. I'm keeping my head down looking at the files on my desk but when I slightly looked up I could see her staring at me. What if she's checking me out? Nah she wouldn't. But what if she is? A can feel the smile making its way across my face. I tried to stop it but I couldn't. "Something amusing Pretty Boy?" I hear Morgan say "Nope just thinking." I say keeping my head down but the smile on my face "You two playin' footsies under there or somethin'?" Morgan says as I look up at JJ seeing the huge grin on her face "Nope." I say to Morgan "Yeah.. Sure." Morgan says as he smiles and walks over to Emily. He's always liked her. I never quite figured out why he's never asked her out. She'd go for him just as easily as I'd go for JJ. Wait.. Did I say- nah. I look back at JJ seeing her still smiling. "Like what you see?" I say smiling "Actually I do." JJ says. Wait did she just- "Are you busy this afternoon?" I say. Ugh why did I do that. "Nope not at all." JJ says "You wanna maybe grab some lunch?" I say "I'd love to." JJ says making me smile. She said yes to a date with me! This day is already turning out to more then I had every hoped!

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