Feel Myself Fall

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AN/ This is only one POV sorry guys!

*The next day*

{JJ's POV}

Will moved out yesterday and I still haven't talked to Spence, he's called a couple times but I haven't picked up. The girls decided to get together and come over today. They don't know I'm pregnant. I bought a test early this morning when I was at the store and it was positive. I haven't told Spence it was positive which he already knew because of the morning sickness, so I pretty much only told my mom and Will. After I get out of the shower I go to my room and get dressed. I pull out my dark purple button up and roll the sleeves up, then find my black vest, that Spence loves, and put it on along with my black skinny jeans. I dried my hair and then heard the girls pull up. "JJ!! JJ!!!" I hear Garcia yell from outside. I smile as I walk down the stairs and let them in. "JJ!!" "Hi!" I say as I smile and they hug me "What's going on is everything alright?! Where's Dr. Genius he hasn't been around either! We saw Will at the store on the way here and he said to tell you he hopes everything is going alright and to give you this." Garcia says as Emily hands me a red rose. I smile as I take it. "He really loved you didn't he." Emily says "Yeah he did." I say as I look down at the rose and my smile fades "Ok ok enough with that tell us what's going on with you and boy genius!" Garcia says as I invite them in "Where do I even start.." I say as I walk to the kitchen and put the rose in a vase "How about the two weeks you and our little little virgin boy were gone." Garcia says smirking as she walks to the kitchen with Emily "He's not a virgin anymore Garcia!" Emily says smiling "Umm well uh we uh- we um.." I say as Emily and Garcia look at each other and smile "JJ you know I mean this with all respect, did you two hook up?" Emily says trying not to smirk "If you must know we didn't hook up. We just kinda slipped off and.. Did a few things." I say as I keep my head down "What kind of things?" Garcia says smiling as I look up at them. I thought about saying what went on in those two weeks we were gone but I didn't. I sigh and go upstairs to my room. I grab the test off my bathroom counter and bring it back down stairs. "JJ what's-" Garcia says as I put the test in front of them "You're pregnant?!" Emily says smiling "Yes I am." I say as I try to hide the smile ok my face "How long?!" Garcia says smiling "3 weeks tomorrow." I say smiling "Ahh JJ!!!" Garcia and Emily say smiling as they hug me "Ok now can we go shopping now because soon all my cloths are going to be too small!" I say as I pull away smiling "Yeah but JJ.." Garcia says as our smiles fade "Garcia I know what's coming just say it." I say as she drops her head "Is it Will's or Reid's?" Emily says "It's Reid's." I say as they look up at me with shock "It is?" Garcia says "Yes now can we go?" I say "Yeah yeah that's probably a good idea." Emily says as we get our stuff and leave. The ride there was pretty quiet, some small talk but not that much. When we pulled into the mall and parked I ended up spilling it all to them. "And Will's alright with all of this?" Garcia asked "He says he is but that last kiss we had, you could see the sadness in his eyes. He cried when we hugged right before he got all of his stuff out on his last day of moving out." I say "Oh honey I'm sorry." Emily says "It's ok I mean I guess it was for the best, me and Will kinda rushed into things anyways, 3 months into dating he asked me to marry him and then we got married. It was good, but their was a lot of ups and downs. Spence and I.. I always thought we had something special but I never thought I'd cheat on Will just to have to realize it." I say "Hey.. How about we go shopping and then we go get some ice cream." Garcia says smiling "Deal." I say as I smile and get out. I have to take a few seconds for my vision to get correct again before I start walking. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and clutch my shirt. The pain gets worse and I scream. My body goes numb and I feel myself fall. The last thing I hear is Emily and Garcia yelling my name. Then it all goes black..

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