Stay With Me

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{Will's POV}

"She thinks we're married?!" I say "Does she reminder being pregnant?" Reid says "Yeah I mean I think so!" Garcia says "Can I see her first?" Reid asked "Actually Reid.. She wants to see Will." Garcia says as everyone looks at me "Ok." I say as I walk to the room. I take a deep breath when I get to the door and look down seeing the flower I had gotten her in my hand. I look back up and smile as I walk into the room. "Hey Jennifer." I say smiling "Will, hey" JJ says as she smiles "You ok? Anything you need?" I asked setting the flower and vase on the nightstand "No I'm ok. I just wanted to see you." JJ says smiling "That's good." I says smiling. Things were quiet for a minuet or two until JJ said something. "Did you know I was pregnant! The doctor just came and told me! I'm so happy I can't wait to meet the little guy.. Or girl!" JJ says "Yeah." I say "What's wrong honey?" JJ asked "When you fell.. What was the last thing you remembered?" I asked "You and then the girl saying we were going shopping and to get some food why?" JJ says "You don't remember what happened between us?" I asked "No?" JJ says "Oh." I say "Why did something happen?" JJ asked "Well-" I say as the doctors walk in "Ah Mrs. Jareau! You're awake!" He says as JJ smiles "If you're feeling ok, you're all good, your babies good, you can go when you like." He says "Thank you." I say as I smile and he leaves. If she doesn't remember what happened.. How is tonight going to pan out?

{JJ's POV}

"Ok that's all of my stuff!" I say smiling as I wrap my arms around Will's shoulders "You ready to go?" I hear Spence ask as he walks in the room "Uh Spence.. You know I love you but Will's taking me home. Right honey?" I asked "Yeah I'll take you home, but then I'll go back to my apartment tonight." Will says "Why? We live together? Why don't you stay with me?" I asked pulling away "JJ we've been threw this. You thought it was best for us not to be married anymore. You and Reid are together now." Will says "Reid I like you. But as a friend." I say to Reid. He closed his eyes just before walking out. Why is he so upset? "JJ don't be so hard on the guy. He's not taking this well." will says "Ok since when do you care about him?" I say laughing "Come on JJ. I'm serious." Will says "Fine. Go apologize to the nerd for me." I say "JJ, stop." Will says. Why is everything hating on me?! I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't say anything wrong? Apparently saying you prefer your husband over best friend is a wrong thing now.

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