The Fight

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{JJ's POV}

Once I got dressed I met everyone at the gym. Emily's already in her gear and so are Spence and Morgan, I'm assuming they're fighting next. I get in the rink and get my gear on. Hotch made them out a extra vest on me. Which I'm not complaining because the only shirt I had to wear was a think work out tank top and my sports bra. Which Spence isn't complaining because it's too hot in here for a shirt so I decided to take it off and just go with a sports bra, which apparently he loves because he can't his eyes off me. Once Emily and I got our gloves on the Morgan got in the rink with us. "Tap gloves." Morgan tells us "You sure you wanna do this?" Emily asked as I pushed my hands so it pushed her back a little when I hit her gloves. "Let's go." I say. We hear the whistle, and I take the first punch.

{Reid's POV}

Right after JJ heard the whistle she hit Emily on the side of the head. You could hear everyone 'oohh' them when ever one of them got a punch. Emily tries to hit JJ on side of her face but JJ blocked it with her gloves. "That's my girl." JJ swings at Emily hitting her square in the nose. "Alright Jareau. Let's go." We hear Emily say as JJ smiles and says "Bring it on." Emily got a punch on JJ hitting her chin. I look around at everyone's reactions. Garcia is jumping at every swing, Hotch is making sure Emily doesn't hit JJ in the stomach, Rossi's watching the gloves and where they hit, Morgan's watching to make sure they go by the rules and don't end up 'dirty fighting'. JJ looks at me and smirks before hitting Emily hard on the side of the head making Emily fall back against the barrier. Emily runs up and manages to get JJ's cheek. We watch as Emily hits JJ on both sides of her face repeatedly until Morgan steps in and breaks them up. "Hey! Keep it clean!" Morgan says as he puts Emily in her corner and JJ tells me to come to hers "How you doing?" I asked as I got to her corner "Oh you know just having some blurry vision and a little concussion, how you holding up?" JJ says "I don't like you doing this." I say as I look over at Emily seeing JJ gave her a bloody nose and a least 3 bruises "Did I get her good?" JJ says smiling "Bloody nose, 3 bruises, she's holding onto her ribs so you may have fractured one of them." I say "Yes! I'm going to with the fight!" JJ says smiling as Morgan whistles again. JJ smiles as she makes me tap her gloves before she goes back in to fight.

{Morgan's POV}

"Tap gloves." I say again as the girls do what I said and I back up and blow the whistle. JJ takes a swing at Emily hitting her, already bloody, nose again. Emily takes a swing in an attempt to hit JJ's nose. JJ blocked it by taking her arm on top of Emily just before the collided with JJ's nose, giving JJ a free punch for Emily's face. "Come on blondie! I know you got more a anger in you! Let it out come on!" Emily yells at JJ as they circle the rink "I did it with Reid! Come on! Give it to me!" JJ runs to Emily knocking her over and giving her repeated punches on both sides of her head "Break it up!" I yell as I jump in seeing Emily not moving, I check her pulse "Get a metic!"

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