Who Are You?

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{JJ's POV}

I kept flashing in and out of concessions. From what I could see, Garcia and Emily are screaming and crying, and a bunch of doctors are around me. I heard someone say I'm pregnant and grab my hand so I squeezed back. "JJ stay with us!" I hear them say. I smile as I hold their hand in what appears to be the ambulance. I try to cough and clear my throat by I couldn't say anything. I just kept smiling. I cough a few more times then look up at one of the doctors. "Don't let my baby die." I whisper to them "We won't ma'am stay with us!" She says as I smile and feel everything going black again.

{Reid's POV}

"Where's JJ?!" I say as Will and I get out of the car and run into the hospital "Reid Will!!" I hear Emily yell as they bring JJ in on a gunnery. She's got blood on her forehead and her hand is on her stomach. "How's she doin?!" Will says as we try to follow them "She passed on in the parking lot! I don't know what's wrong!" Emily says as we get to the doors and they cut us all off "You stay with us Jennifer!" I yell. My hand was on the side of the bed. I feel JJ bring her hand up to him just before I'm pulled away. "Come on JJ fight"

{JJ's POV}

Everything's black. I can't see anything. I can't hear anything. I start yelling for help. "Hello?! Hello! Is anybody here?!" I yell as I look around seeing a small light turn on "Hello?!" "Mommy?" I hear a kid say "Who are you?" I asked as I bent down to his size "I'm your son." He says as he looks up at me. He's got long blonde hair, and big brown eyes. He's young but not too young. Maybe around 3 or 4. "How?" I asked "I don't have time to explain! You need to fight! Do it for me! Do it for daddy!" He says as he grabs my hand. That's when I see his bracket. It's made of string but theirs a little small place that has his name on it. Henry. "Is your name Henry?" I asked "Yes now look you have to fight! Daddy would want you to!" He says "If you're my son, how are you here.. With me?" I asked "I don't have time to explain! Just fight ok!" He says "Wait!" I say as he turns around to face me "What's your middle name?" "Spencer."

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