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{Reid's POV}

"Hey Pretty Boy! Heard something's up with you Blondie! You two havin' fun!" Morgan says "Her name is Jennifer, and no nothing is up." I say "Oh gettin' all defensive are we! And you called her Jennifer! You're so doin' her!" Morgan says "Stop." I say "Stop what?" Morgan says as he laughs "Stop under minding JJ! She's not just another pretty girl! She's more then that!" I say as I stand up and walk away "You really love her don't you?" I hear Morgan say making me stop "Yeah. I do." I say "Then go get her kid." Morgan says. I turn back around and run into the round table room.

{JJ's POV}

"What about Will? What do I do?" I asked "I don't know JJ-" Emily says as Spence bust threw the door "Spence what are you doing?" I asked "Look JJ- I don't care what you're going to say- if it's bad, if it's good, I'll care- but I love you. I don't care to say it out loud! I don't care what anyone thinks! All I care about is you and what you think! You might not feel the same about me but I know for damn sure I love you!" Spence says. I couldn't fight it. I ran up in his arms and kissed him. I didn't care the girls were in the room. I didn't care one bit. "I love you too." I say pulling away "Good." Spence says picking me up and kissing me "Well about damn time!" I hear as we pull away and he puts me down "Rossi?" I say turning around seeing the entire team in the room now, all of them smiling "I knew it was a matter of time." Hotch says as he reviled the smile of his face "You're actually smiling!" I say "Nice job Pretty Boy." Morgan says as Spence smiles at me and grabs my hand "And I'm sorry about what happened earlier." "What happened earlier?" I asked as I look at Spence "We kinda got into it." Spence says "I made a joke and he took it personally." Morgan says "And I'm going to stop calling you Blondie, by the way." "Spence what did you do!" I say "Nothing!" Spence says. I just shot him a glare and his face turned bright red. "You've got to fess up at some point." I say "She treats him like she's his baby sitter! It's so cute!!" Garcia says "Shut up Garcia." I say. I back up a bit until I'm next to Spence again. I can see him in the corner of my eye bending backwards. I smirk when I see him practically breaking his neck trying to get a full view of my back side. "Spence." I say smiling "What?" Spence says as he puts his arms around me "I- never mind." I say as I pull away "You were about to say something dirty weren't you?" Spence says as he smirks "Yeah." I say as I smile and kiss him "Jennifer.." I hear someone say as I pull away and turn around "What are you doing.."

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