Prove Something

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{Reid's POV}

"She doesn't get it." I say as I walk out of JJ's hospital room "Doesn't get what?" Hotch says "She doesn't get it!" I say with my voice getting louder "Reid what doesn't she get?!" Garcia says "She doesn't get that I love her!" I yell as the tears roll down my cheeks. The team just stared at me. I just let the tears fall and left. But it's true. JJ doesn't get the fact that I love her. I know she only remembers Will and them not breaking up or what happened in those two weeks that we were gone but I do. And if that's going to be a problem between us, I'm going to fight to prove I'm the right guy for her.

{JJ's POV}

"Ugh home sweet home!!" I say as we walk in and Will laughs "Yeah. Alright I'm taking your bags upstairs, it's kinda late so if you want to go get a shower and got to bed I'll help you while I'm here." Will says "Hey woah you live here too you're staying here." I say "Jennifer-" Will says "Yeah yeah we've been threw this I know! And yes Will I do know that we 'broke up' but I'm not ready to let go. Let's start over ok?" I say "JJ I told you this. We both thought it would be better to split up and Reid- he loves you JJ! And he cares about you! Yes it is hard for me to say but JJ he loves you! You should of seen the way he looked when Garcia walked out of your room to tell us you had lost some memory! He was crushed!" Will says "Look I know what happened Will. And I know he liked me but I love you!! Ok! I love you not him!" I say "And JJ I know that but he has something for you and if it means you both being happy it's what needs to happen!" Will says "Let me prove something. If it works great, if it doesn't oh well." I say "Yeah ok." Will say as I walk over to him "Ok?" I say putting my hands on his shoulders "Ok." Will say. I can feel our body's heating up the closer we get to each other. My heart is racing and so is his. His hands made their way to my hips and mine to his cheeks. That's when it happened. We leaned in... And we kissed.

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