I'm Sorry

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{JJ's POV}

By now everyone's in the rink surrounding Emily but Spence. He's over here by me. After a few minuets Emily starts coughing and sits up again. She looks up and me and smiles as she walks my way. "Alright Jareau. Good fight." She says as we hit gloves "You too." I say as they get her out of the rink and into the side lines "Hey you ok?" Spence asked me "How bad do I look?" I asked "A few bruises, nothing too bad." Spence says as he sits next to me "This is gonna be a funny thing to tell Will tonight isn't it." "I would tell him but he's back at his apartment now. He told me he didn't want to intrude. The night I ran from your apartment crying he took me home and waited until I went to bed, then he left a note and went back to his place before I woke up." I say "So you two actually broke up?" Spence asked "Yeah." I say "Why? You could see the love for each other in your eyes." Spence says "In the note he said it was best because he knew someone that was better for me." I say "Who?" Spence asked as I smiled "Morgan." I say as I look at his reaction and laugh "I'm kidding he said you!" "That's a good one Jareau." Spence says smiling "Thank you." I say smiling "Hey. Are we good?" Spence says as he puts his gloves on mine as if trying to hold hands which makes me smile "We'll never be 100% good, I cheated Will with you, I cheated on you with Will, we both know the Emily story." I say "You don't know all of it do you?" Spence asked as I look at him and he takes off his gloves and head gear as I do the same "Emily had come to my apartment drunk the other night. I wasn't letting her drive home and she passed out on my couch before I could say anything. I moved her to the bed and we both ended up falling asleep." "But why were you both naked?" I say "The air in my apartment went out a few hours before. We were both hot and Emily had already stripped and was in bed asleep by the time I got out of the bathroom when I got done with my shower. It was too hot for cloths but I couldn't sleep fully naked so I just left my underwear on." "When we slept together you fully stripped when you slept." I say "Yes and I didn't want to do that with Emily. I know at some point she was having a bad dream and started moving and tossing around so I just grabbed her to calm her down. You know, just to tell her somebody's there." Spence says "So she came to your apartment drunk and just passed out?" I asked "Yeah. JJ nothing else happened. I promise." Spence says "Oh god I'm so sorry!" I say as I get up and hug him "Nothing happened." Spence says "I'm sorry for assuming stuff without having the full story." I say "Did you and Will.." Spence says "The first night back from the hospital before I got my memory back yeah." I say as he hugs me tighter

{Reid's POV}

"JJ I know you're hurt by what happened, but I need to know what else is bothering him you." I say to JJ as she pulls away and looks up at me "What do you mean?" JJ says as her arms are around my waist "JJ. I know when something is wrong." I say as I put my hands on her hips "I just.. I beat the crap out of Emily and almost nothing happened." JJ says as I look down at my shoes "I- I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." "I know." I say not looking up "Hey." JJ says as she puts her gloves on the stand next to us and puts my head up "I didn't mean it like that." "I know Jen." I say "I know."

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