Never Get The Chance

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{JJ's POV}

I whipped my face to get rid of the tear stains. Luckily I had used the water proof make up so none of it smeared. After I sat there for a few minuets I ended up leaning my head back against the seat and just got lost in my thoughts. Thankfully for me, I heard someone walking around the parking lot. I opened my eyes to see Derek sitting by the doors of the BAU. I took one last look in the mirror, got a deep breath and got out.

{Derek's POV}

"Hey.." I hear someone say as I look up "JJ uh hey." I say as I quickly whipped the tears off my cheeks "Ok Derek.." JJ says as she smiled and sat next to me "What's going on?" "It's Emily.." I say "How about you?" "Emily and Reid." JJ says "You heard about them too huh." I say as I crack a smile "Not so much as heard, but seen." JJ says "You did?" I asked "Yeah. I went to his apartment to talk to him and... You know the rest." JJ says "Is that why you're out here?" "Yeah." I say "Is that why you're out there too?" "Yeah." JJ says "Any guy that treats you bad is a damn fool." I say as JJ smiles "And Emily is a damn fool for treating you bad. Plus she made you cry. She made big, motcho, Derek Morgan cry." JJ says as I laugh "You really like her don't you?" "You really love Reid don't you?" I say "Yeah I do." JJ says "Even when he messes up and is an ass?" I say smiling "Even when he does stupid stuff." JJ says smiling "Love makes you do stupid things." I say "I just wish instead of them hurting us, they could see how much they mean to us." I say "Yeah. It would be much easier." JJ says as I smile "I wish we could just go back in time and redo it all." I say "Why are you still crying?" JJ says "Because that's something I'll probably never get the chance to do." I say

Let's Runaway TogetherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora