Let's Runaway Together

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{JJ's POV}

"W-Will what- what are you- what are story doing here?" I asked "I came to talk to you and try to fix. Things and apologize but obviously you don't care." Will says as I back up towards Spence and grab his hand. He doesn't even care that Will's here. "You and- and him?! Really Jennifer! I thought you loved me more then that!" "I do-" I say "Obviously you don't or you wouldn't cheat on me!" Will say. I can feel Spence tightening his grip on my hand every time Will gets closer or starts yelling. The rest of the team left the room leaving just us three. "Did you- did you two hook up?!" Will says as I clench my jaw "Oh my god you did!" "Will calm down." I say as I feel the tears in my eyes "How do you expect me to calm down Jennifer! You cheated on me!" Will yells again "Quit yelling!" Spence says "Spence don't-" I say "No! No no no Jennifer let him talk!" Will say "When's the last time she said she loved you?" Spence says "What?" Will say "Come on tell me." Spence says, this time me squeezing his hand "6 months." Will says 'Really. Wow thought is was longer then that.' I thought. "Do you want to know something?" Spence says "Yeah." Will says "We haven't even been together for 3 hours and she's said I love you 6 times." Spence says. Damn it! Why did he say that! "What." Will say "Yeah. She loves me not you." Spence says. I can see Spence backed up up right in front of an open door. I know what he's about to do and I get ready. "That's a lie!" Will yells "No it's not." I say "You love him not me?" Will says "Yeah." I say as I get my feet out the door without them noticing "Yeah I do." "No! You can't you married me!" Will say "Run!" Spence yells as we start running but still holding hands "Get back here!" Will yells as he chases us "Morgan get him!" Spence yells as we get to the stairs and start running down "Jennifer!!" I hear Will yell as we run down the stairs as the door shuts and the team keeps Will "Kept running!" Spence says as we smiles and we run down the stairs holding hands

{Reid's POV}

"Let's go somewhere!" I say once we reach the last floor of steps "Where?!" JJ says as she smiles and we get to the bottom "Let's get in the car." I say as we run to the car in the pouring rain "Where are we going?!" JJ says as she laugh and we get in. We catch our breath for a minuet and then I decide to speak. "Let's Runaway Together."

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