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*3 months later*

{JJ's POV}

Now I'm 3 months pregnant. I'm at the doctor with Spence. We finally worked it all out. Will and I signed the papers and are waiting for them to be finalized but that won't be for a few more months. I stood up and looked in the full length mirror and looked at my small baby bump. I smiled as I lifted my shirt to see it a little better. "Beautiful isn't she?" Spence says as he smiles and puts his arms around the lower part of my belly "She?" I say smiling "Oh yeah! It's definitely a girl!" Spence say "Uh I don't think so!" I says smiling as I put my shirt down and turn around to face him as I put my hands on his neck and his hand on my hips "And why not?" Spence says as he smiled "I think it's a little boy" I say smiling "Maybe. I don't think so. But a little you running around wouldn't be so bad." Spence says smiling as we kiss "A little you on the other hand.. Oh I can barely handle you! Much less a mini you!" I says smiling as I kiss him again and move my hands to his cheeks. I can feel him smiling as we kissed. "Jareau?" A lady says as we pull away seeing her smiling "That's me!" I say smiling as I get Spence's hand "Come on back for your ultrasound!" She says as we follow her "Ok Jennifer just take a seat. This will be a bit cold." She says as I sit on the table and raise my shirt up. I grabbed Spence's hand as soon as the jell hit my stomach "Sorry about that. We have to put a lot on for it to work." The lady says "It's ok." I say "First time?" She says smiling as she puts the the thing on my stomach and we turn to the screen "That obvious huh?" I says smiling "Nah it was the way you two were in the lobby. It's what all the soon to be parents do. You know, sit and wait and then get bored and look in the mirror." She says as I smile at Spence "Theirs your baby." She say smiling as she points to the screen "Wow." Spence says as I smile at him "We can't tell what it is yet, but come back in 2 months and we can." The last says as she prints out our pictures and gives them to us along with some paper towels "I'm leave you two to finish up." She says as she leaves "We're having a baby Spence! Our very own baby!" I say to Spence as we smile and whip our tears as we look at the pictures "We're having a baby."

AN// Sorry this is only one POV! Please don't forget to comment! Also I know the baby on the ultrasound picture at the top of the chapter isn't the size of a 3 month old baby so just bare with it. Ok I love you guys! Bye!!

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