Imagine 1

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Lol my friend requested this so I have to write it . 

Genderbent Ashe x reader

I was the new champion y/n the bubble mage ( yuss you are a bubble mage  ).  Everyone played as me I never got a chance to stop but when I did I stopped to talk to Ashe . We were good friends  I wish it was something more than a friendship  but I knew he didn't like me like that.  I heard some weird rumors about something in my lore but champions aren't allowed to read there lores.  " Y/N ! " a summoner and a good friend of mine cupcake767 yelled and ran up to me . She has a really happy and excited personality .  " something wrong?" I asked .   We won many battles together maybe she had another battle planed for us.  " ok so I was reading your lore and one of my otps becomes real !" Cait was a fast talker when she was excited. " I didn't know destiel had anything to do with me ." I said laughing .  She shook her head sticking her tongue out at me .  Just to be mean I made a bubble float into her mouth .  She coughed " now my mouth tastes like soap !" Cait complained .  I grinned evilly .  Cait was looking at something behind me.  I turned ,Ashe was looking at me . I smiled and waved .  His cheeks turned a little red and he looked away.  I faced Cait again to see a huge fan girl grin on her face .  " oh no ."  I said she shipped it . " oh my god I ship it !" Cait yelled . One of her fellow fan girls came over . " you ship what ?"  She asked . Cait leaned over and whispered something In her ear . They both squealed . " you read her lore  ." Cait  said . She nodded " oh I have a plan ." She said evilly .  " come on we have a game to play !" After Cait was done planing she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to an arena with other summoners .  They summoned there champions . Our team consisted of Fiora , Lee sin , Kat , me , and our adc was a mystery .  My summoners friend still hadn't picked yet .  " ten seconds ." A voice said .  At last minute she picked Ashe.  Then the game started.  We did well early game , I got Ashe lots of kills so we we're currently ahead. A summoner pinged by dragon and cupcake767 made me walk over to help. we almost finished off the dragon when The enemy popped out of no where and stole it .  Jinx ulted and I flashed to block it from hitting my team .  I ulted silencing and blinding all of the champions .  We killed the adc but they got the rest of our team.  Me and Ashe retreated . He tried to go behind me I stopped a bit so I could block all the damage from hitting him .  Sona their support ulted but it only hit me .  Ashed looked back but his summoner forced him to keep on moving .  They killed me.  Yes it hurt but a support is supposed to die for their adc and their summoner.  We eventually won the game but I knew my summoner felt a little guilty for letting me die.  We were teleported to the Main summoners fountain .  I stepped out of the portal and nearly fell .  I glanced a my left ankle it was fractured  .  I sighed , standing up I winced at the pain.  My summoner was running up to me .  She almost killed me with a hug .  I let out a ridged breath . It was confirmed I had a broken rib .  " oh my gosh I am so sorry for getting you killed ." Cait said .  " its okay ." I said laughing at how guilty she felt .  We don't die permanently  so why she was worried confused me .  I stepped away from her hold .  I walked a few meters away normally and then had to limp the rest of the way . I was walking to a special place that I found.  it was beautiful. A small pond in a clearing of trees. I sighed sitting down in the grass. I knew that I should heal  myself but I had no power left.  " hey." A voice said behind me .  I looked over my shoulder it was Ashe . " hi hotshot or should I say frostshot ." He laughed . Ashe sat next to me .  " is everything alright ?" I asked .  I glanced at him he had tears in his eyes . " aww frosty don't cry you'll make me cry."  I hugged him and put my face in his shoulder .  He pulled me closer and rested his head on mine .  I pulled away brushing his tears away " now why are you crying? if it was a girl I will hunt her down ." I said . He laughed " it wasn't a girl I just felt like it was my fault you died ." He confessed . I shook my head I felt my heart breaking .  He went on and on about how it was all his fault . I had enough I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss .   " feel better ?" I asked .  He smiled " much better ." I pulled off his hood . " Ashe ."  He was playing with my hair . Ashe looked up at me with his cute grey eyes " hmm ?" I giggled . " did I ever tell you how much I love your hair. it's so fluffy !" I said softly .  " no. did I ever tell you how much I love you? " I blushed .  I kissed him again " I love you too . "  he picked me up bridal style " alright ice princess lets get your wounds healed ." I blushed fifty shades of red .   Ashe carried me all the way to the medics .  He set me down on a chair an sat beside me . A guy came in " oh hi y/n and Ashe, are you both injured ? " Ashe shook his head.  The man inspected my ankle then moved to my chest . He put his hand under my boob . Ashe sent him an ice cold glare the man noticed and grabbed a potion . " here this will heal you on no time ." He said nervously .  I drank the potion and felt  my wounds instantly mending .  Ashe picked me up again making me blush .   We had to walk past most of the summoners and all of the champions to get back to Ashes or now our room . " am I staying in your room now ?" I asked . " yes I will miss you if you don't ."  He blushed while saying this . I heard a squeal that belonged to Cait . " my otp is real !" Ashe turned " hey frosty can you put me down ." I asked sweetly .  He nodded and set me down careful not to let me fall if my ankle still hurt .  I sent a sly smirk to Cait and pulled Ashe down for another kiss .  His hands made there way around my waist .  I heard cheers and fan girl squeals.  Some one yelled " about time it said you two were soul mates in y/n's lore !" We both blushed .  Ashe picked me up once more and we fell asleep in his room

Ok I have to say this was super fun to write I am making a preference right now so watch out for updates and I will spam a few preferences and imagines .

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