Imagine Five

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Genderbent Shyvanna x reader
Requested by Nobody0920

(Warning minor feels ).

I was minding my own business walking in the forests of Demacia .  A princess needs her space once an awhile .  I heard crying turning around a run to the sound . I see a grey skinned boy with reddish hair sitting on the ground alone . I crouch down and get on his level . He looks at me tears in his eyes . I smile holding in my own tears . I saw his face and have worn one similar to his , full of sadness and loneliness . My brother was the cause of that face at the time but now we are fine . Offering my hand he slowly puts his in mine . Pulling him up I hug the sad boy .  " I am y/n who are you ." I say still hugging the boy who wrapped his arms around me almost squashing me .  " Shyvanna ." His voice sounded snake like .   " come with me Shyvanna I will give you a home ." I smile and grab is hand leading the way . 

Three years later
I smile leaning my elbows on the window sill .  Looking out over Demacia .  A felt familiar arms wrap around my waist .  " what are you thinking about ?" The voice of my husband Shyvanna reached my ears .  Turning in his arms  I place my arms around his neck .  " how we met ."  He smiles his fangs showing .  ". You were an angel ." I smile .  " who says I am still not ?"  He shakes his head .  " I love you ." I smile widely .  Placing a short yet sweet kiss on his lips I say " I love you too ."

( this one is my personal favorite so far )

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