Imagine 14

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human Ziggs x reader

Chrismas special

" ziggs its snowing !" I shout . It never snowed in Piltover and I don't think in Bandle city either . There was a small boom! from upstairs . Laughing I go and see what damage he caused this time . I leaned on the lab door frame and look at the tiny hole in the wall .  Ziggs stood in the middle of his small chaos .  He removed his goggles and stared at me his eyes lit up with happiness .  He hugs me " hey princess ." I smile .  " hey ."  I pull away and walked around .  There were blueprints everywhere and chemicals .  " I hope you know your cleaning this up ."  I tease .   He frowns and gives me puppy eyes .  " can't you please ." I shake my head .  " it's not going to work this time ."  Lotus our cat walked in between Ziggs's legs and he picked her up to add effect .  I cave " fine but you are going to the party with me if I do ." He groaned an okay at me and flopped on the couch in the lab .   I sat down on the floor and started stacking the blueprints .  They were mainly bombs and other things .  " so what are you working on right now ?" I ask . My answer was I think " mirhh ." I throw a sponge at his head .  " I can't hear you love ." He turned his head his green eyes glittering with joy .  " a big huge bomb !" He shouts with excitement .  I laugh " just don't blow the house up ."  He roles off the couch with a thump .  I raise an eyebrow as he rolled up to me. " you know walking is a thing right ?" He just smiled and poked my nose .  I sigh and kiss his forehead .  " come on help me clean up and we can get to the party at Caitlyn's house on time for once ."
I wipe my hands off on my pants .  The lab was sparkling clean now .  " we did good ." I state . Ziggs wrapped an arm around my shoulders .  " that we did ." I kiss his cheek .  " now go get dressed ." He blows air at my face .  " I  am ." I blow air right back at him .  "  no your not get in something nicer and that doesn't have grease on it ."  He gasps and puts his hand on his heart .  " you wound me y/n ." I stand on my toes and kiss him .  " you know you love me ." I walk away making sure to sway my hips .  " not fair y/n !" I laugh .   I hunted my closest for a dress since it was formal  party .   I only had one though .  Me and Ziggs were never really party people .  It was a black cocktail dress with some white lace .  I slipped it one and some black heels .  I didn't feel like wearing makeup so I went downstairs .  Ziggs turned around and smirked at me .  I nearly tripped down the stairs .  " uh-i-um ." Is stuttered trying to find words .  He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a few buttons undone .  " like what you see ?" That arrogant bastard .  " yes I do ." I smile innocently .  He tried kissing me but I put my hand up and walked out side .  The snow had stopped and left the ground covered in white .  I snickered and formed a snowball with my hands .  Ziggs was still inside doing his thing .  I saw him at the door with his jacket . I aim and throw it hitting his face .  Some snow stuck to his fluffy orange hair .  " really ?" I laugh .  " yes ." Ziggs sighed and wrapped his jacket around my shoulders .  " let's go ." 
I ring the door bell of Caitlyn's house . Ziggs stood behind me trying to braid my hair .  " how do you do this ?" He asks quietly . I giggle .  Vi opened the door .  She gave me a lopsided grin " hey guys glad you could make it !" She lets us in .  There was Katarina and Garen in a corner making out and Graves and Twisted Fate were playing poker .  Caitlyn was talking with Lux and Ezreal was taking to Lulu about one of his famous adventures .  " invited everyone didn't they ." I say to Ziggs .  He nods and stole the jacket off my shoulder to hang it up . I walked to Caitlyn to say hello .  " hi Cait ."  She turned around and smile .  " ello y/n ." Lux said hi too .  " so how are you and Ziggs ." Lux asks .  I blush " we are great ." Caitlyn smiled at Lux and they whispered something to each other .  I raised an eyebrow and left to go bug Ekko .  " hey timelord." He rolled his eyes at me .  " hey y/n ." I smile .  " so how's Jinx ?" I ask slyly .  He had a huge crush on her .  Ekko blushed and left .  I sat down and looked for Ziggs.  " hey princess ." I grinned and looked behind me .  Ziggs stood there with two drinks .  I took and and motioned to the seat next to me .  He sat down and took my hand .  " you know I love you right ?" I tilted my head to the side .  Ziggs seemed very nervous .  " of course I do you stole my heart after all ."  He laughed quietly .  " are you okay ?" I set my drink down and turned my whole attention to him .  He cleared his throat and everyone stopped talking   And turned to us .  I saw Lux bouncing  out of pure joy out of the corner  of my eye.  " y/n I love so much it hurts and I could never  even think about losing you  ," he got down on one knee .  " your the only invention that doesn't have my name on it so be my wife ?" I smiled so widely I thought  would break .   To express my joy I shouted  .

" YES !"

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