My Boo (2)

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Toni & Denise Residence

"Vanilla Ice you mean to tell me you've been living for the past 10 years? Bennie asked with disgust.

Ethan instantly felt guilty that the fact his disappearance really took a toll on the family. It's not like he could've controlled the situation, he never meant for anyone to get hurt. If these were the reactions others were giving him, he couldn't imagine what Savannah and the boys would do.

"Look Bennie I'm truly sorry. I fucked up man and I want to make it right with my family. I'm afraid that Savannah and the boys will never forgive me, that right there is the reason why I'm so hesitant to reunite with them." Ethan felt a tear rolls down his face but quickly wiped it.

Bennie wanted his sister and nephews to be happy, but it isn't the right time for this type of situation. Truthfully, he didn't think that Ethan was telling the truth. He felt as though Ethan's story was bogus as hell, something from a Lifetime movie.

"I think it's way too soon for ya'll to reconnect, maybe some other time." Bennie said and walked out the door.


A few hours later...

"Where the hell were you?" Aunt Bertha asked as Bennie locked the front door.

Jason became worried when he didn't feel Bennie in bed. Usually, Bennie would leave a note saying he was going for a run or going to the bakery early.

"Toni needed some advice on something and we lost track of time. I'm sorry that I frightened you." He sincerely said and kisses Bertha on the cheek.

Over the years their relationship has improved. Since they have to live together, they respect each other's decisions.

"Yo unc I was wondering if you we could talk later on?" Kai groggily asked.


Everyone came downstairs to eat the delicious breakfast that Bertha had made. After breakfast the boys got dressed to go with their uncle to his bakery, while Bertha, Savannah, and Toni could have a girls day.


At the bakery

"So today my employees are going to a convention and I need some help around here. Our main order is a 4 layer Chantilly cake with chocolate ganache on one side and the Chantilly frosting on the other. Also we have to make our everyday desserts, like cookies and cupcakes. Can I count on you guys to help me?" Bennie desperately asked.

"Are we getting paid?" The boys asked in unison.

Bennie clutched his invisible pearls, he couldn't believe his own flesh and blood would charge him. He thought they probably got that from their mom.

"Yeah I guess...what about $150-200 a piece?"

The boys talked it over and agreed.

"Chris I'm going to teach you how to frost the cupcakes." Bennie grabbed gloves for all of them. He walked over to the supply closet and grabbed the coloring gel. He told Chris to grab the tin of buttercream out the freezer.

"You're going to put about 2-3 strips of the gel in the buttercream and mix. Then take a pipping bag and scoop two spoons of frosting into the bag. Take this star tip,frost the top of the cupcake and place them on the tray." Bennie said quickly.

Once Chris showed that he could do the task, Bennie started baking the layers for the Chantilly cake.

"Bennie can tell you something?" Kai whispered.

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