-Chapter 1-

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I unpacked all of my clothes, and laid them across my bed. I had to make the most out of what I had. It wasn't going yo be easy, but it would get better. I've only been here for two hours and lots of things have happened; first, I left my phone at a doughnut shop (thank God that it was still there), second, I got lost, third, I tripped in thin air. Thank you clumsiness.

I looked around and felt sad, it wasn't hone; but it would do. My dad said that I could leave for the summer, so I chose to come to Australia. He didn't come with me, but he said that someone would be here to watch me, I still had no clue who that someone was. But whatever, I still had two and half months to be here.

I looked around at my tiny apartment, then back at my clothes; I saw my favorite denim skinny jeans with a hole in the knee, and my pink and white chevron tank. I put them on, and stepped outside. I wanted to explore, I felt like I knew nothing.

I jumped into the rental car that I got as soon as I got here. I started to drive around town; all of this exploring made me extremely hungry, so I went to a gas station to buy some food. I went to the back, they had cooled beverages, and food on the shelves. I grabbed a big bag of Cheetos, and a large water. I went to go pay, but a guy caught my eye as he walked through the automatic doors.

He was beyond handsome, it was impossible to drop eye contact. He had beautiful blonde hair that was styled into a quiff, a perfect shade of blue was in his eyes, a smile that lit up the room. Crap! Look away, he sees you staring!

I looked away quickly, as I noticed his smile was towards me; he was probably laughing at my drool. Great this guy thinks I'm a weirdo-

He cut off my thoughts as he stood in front of me and said "Hi," in his perfect Australian accent.

I nervously smiled and said "Hi."

"Um, are you done paying?" He grinned as he put his hands in his pocket.

"I'm sorry." I said as I stepped to the side, "I didn't mean to hold up a lin-"

His laugh made me stop talking, it was the sweetest sound that I had ever heard. "No, I-I wasn't trying to tell you to move, I've never seen you around, and I was wondering if you would, uh, like to hang out?"

So much joy overcame my body, wait, why was I getting excited over a guy that I barely even knew. But he was a cute guy that I didn't know. So I said "Well, sure... but um, I don't even know your name."

He grinned, extended his hand.. "I'm Luke, Luke Hemmings."

I shook his hand, "Paisley Hart"

"I like your name." He smirked, I held the Cheetos and water in my hands as we walked out the door. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Well, if you want we can walk around Sydney?"

I smiled, "I'd like that, as long as you're my guide." I locked my arm around his. He looked at me, "I'd be glad too."He smiled, and it gave me chills.

We walked all over Sydney, he showed me the beach, the opera house, but we didn't go in, we weren't looking forward to get our eardrums blown. He even showed me the bad parts of town, that I had to stay away from, then the very last thing, he showed me his house. I wanted to go in, but I still wasn't sure. So we walked back to the gas station.

"Will I see you around?" He asked as he let go of my hand.

I couldn't help but smile, he was the first guy... Well, first cute guy, to actually talk to me. "Of course, if you want we can meet at the beach, and swim?" I replied to his question.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, then cleared his throat, "uh, I mean, yes."He played it off cool. I just giggled, I sat in my car and opened the glove box, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote my number on it, "if I'm nowhere to be found tomorrow, text or call me."

He accepted the paper, he put it in his pocket, and he told me goodnight, I was surprised how late it had gotten so fast. I was exhausted, so I went home and went to bed.


Heyyyyyy my lovely wattpad readers!!! I just wanted to say thanks for clicking to read my story.

Sorry this chap was like terrible! But I'll make it up to y'all in the next couple of chapters.... love you all, plzzzzz vote, and comment. Best comment gets a chapter dedicated to them. Love you allllll!!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! ^,<


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