-Chapter 22-

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***Luke's Pov***

Paisley had been gone for only an hour, she was on my mind for the longest. What was I gonna do with all of this free time. I only have half a week till summer ends.

I walked outside, and made my way to the parking lot where Calums car was parked.

I put my hoodie on because of group of girls were walking my way, and I really didn't feel like signing anything, or taking pictures.

I got in the car, and drove back to the hospital. Mikey was reading comic books, while Calum was passed out on the couch and Ashton fell asleep listening to She Looks So Perfect. It was so loud I could hear it without having the headphones in.

I sat on Mikey's bed, and picked up Batman New 52. I started to read it.

After I finished it looked up to see Mikey asleep, I giggled then took a picture.

I might as well take a nap, I don't have anything Else to do.


I heard a thump, and then her laughing. What was she laughing about? I got off of the couch and went into her room. Well, Calums old room, but it was now Paisley's room.

She was on the ground, Calum stood there with his jaw dropped.

"Paisley are you okay?!" I asked as I rushed over to aid her.
She wouldn't stop laughing. She was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down her face.

I looked over at Calum. "What happened?"

Calum starts giggling, "Um, I don't really know? I was chasing her, because we were having a tickle war, and she climbed across the bed and flopped on the ground. It was the funniest thing I've seen all day." He started to laugh with Paisley.

She leaned up and said "Let me show you what happened." She walked around the bed and said, "he chased me right here before I-" she climbed on the bed, "scooted backwards off of the bed." She pretended to fall off the bed, and then burst out in laughter as she stood up.

"I love you." I giggled as I grabbed her waist and gave her kisses.

I guess Calum got weirded out, because he left to his room. I went and cuddled with her on her bed. We ended up getting lost in our weird conversations, but then I had an idea.


"Luke?" She asked as she played with the hem of my shirt.

I giggled, "What if I got a lip ring? What would you think about it? Because I saw one of my old friends get his lip pierced, I thought I looked pretty cool." I smiled, then pecked her nose.

Her eyes traced my face. She smiled, then as she leaned in she spoke. "I think it would make you even more hotter than what you already are." Her smile met my lips, I tugged on her lip, and she did the same with me. It sent chills down my spine.

·Present Time·

I woke up with tears running down my face. I knew that I mentally and physically became depressed. I didn't get any feelings of ending my life, but I just had to see her again.

"Luke?" I head Ashtons voice coming from my left.

I turned around to see him with one earbud out, he had a concerned look on his face. "Yah, I'm fine." I said as I quickly wiped my tears.

"Paisley?" He asked as if he already knew the answer.

I just nodded my head.

"I know how you feel... We all know how you feel Luke. We all miss her, she kinda brought this thing, us? Or band? Together, if she wasn't at the bar with us, that manger probably wouldn't have asked about us. I mean you never know; and she was always fun to have around, always being positive, and fun about everything." Ashton smiled as he tried to make me feel better.

I knew that what he was saying was true, but it didn't make me feel any better, it actually made me feel worse, it made me see how much I really loved her. But I just smiled and nodded, I didn't want to speak otherwise I would've broken down in tears.

I stood up and walked into the bathroom to clean myself up. I grabbed my phone and called Paisley; she didn't answer so I left her a voicemail.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the couch with Calum and watched TV. I started to wonder what Paisley was up too.



So yah ^-^

What did you guys think about it? And I'm sorry that I left y'all hanging for so long, I wrote from Chapter 19-22 without WiFi. So if y'all are reading this you guys have a lot to read!! Haha

Anywayssss, make sure that you vote, and comment. Tell me what you guys think :)

And btw I do have bronchitis, I went to the doctor and he was like, yup, bronchitis. >,<

But, yah! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Love you all! Thanks for the love and support!!!

(Btw) My bestie Maddie said I have like 200 reads and 3 comments right now. So when I get WiFi next time to see all of this, you guys... I'll most likely be dead! XD Haha jk!

(8-17-15) this is the date that I wrote this btw, just so I can remember.

How's School btw? It's good for me, same ol same ol... homeschooling is great ;)


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