-Chapter 28-

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***Luke's Pov***

Paisley and I decided to stay for one more week, but that week passed and then we stayed for one more. I discussed with Paisley that I was home sick and missed being there with my family and friends, she completely understood and said that we would fly to Australia today.

"Paisley, I can't find any clean underwear." I informed her as she was getting a shower.

"Did you check in the dryer?" She asked.

I didn't answer, I remembered that I started a load of laundry last night, and forgot to fold it. I heard her giggle as I left the bathroom


I opened our suitcase and and grabbed my blue skinny jeans that I rarely wore, and my black Mickey band tank top. I quickly put those on.

Before I closed the suitcase, something caught my eye. I lifted it. Oooo.

I run into the bathroom and wait till Paisley gets out. She screamed, then she laughed. "Hell Luke! What the hell?! Don't do that to m-" she dropped her jaw as I held it in my hands. "Where'd you find that?"

"In our suitcase." I smirked.

"Put it back and forget all about it." She smiled.

I laughed as I held it up to my body, "I think black lace would look really hot on me." I looked down to see that it would look amazing on me.

By the time I looked up, I saw that Paisley had gotten her towel, and was in a chasing me position. "Shit." I mumbled. I ran into the room Paisley chased me, I tumbled over the bed a couple of times, but when I finally thought I had escaped, I stubbed my big toe on the dresser and fell face flat on the ground in something wet.

"Ew!" I said as I lifted my face from the floor that had a wet puddle. "Is this pee?"

"Thas what you get asshole." Paisley sarcastically said. "Kidding!" She helped me up, "Its just shower water." She giggled.

She held out her hand waiting for the lingerie. I slowly gave it to her. I couldn't wait to see it on her. She shoved it in our suitcase, and she got changed into some washed out skinny jeans, black tank top, and my favorite blue flannel. "You look beautiful." I said to her as I gave her a sweet peck on her lips.

"Thank you Mr. Hemmings. I have to get it from somewhere." She smirked.

"I do have pretty good sense of style." I smiled.

Her jaw dropped, "What? No. I get it from me."

I shook my head in confusion, "But that's my shirt so it makes it my, style."

"Well, I packed the suitcase, soo it's my style babe." She smiled.

True. She did have a point.

"That's why I love you." I smiled and gave her a kiss.

She smiled, "I love you too!" She gave me another kiss, "Okay, let's go downstairs and say goodbye to daddy before we go."

I grabbed the suitcase and brought it downstairs with us. Paisley and I told her dad goodbye. He decided he was gonna drive us to the airport, that way he would have just a little more time with us.

After we boarded our first plane, I couldn't help but think of Paisley when she had to tell me goodbye, to come to this exact same spot. But I would do anything for her, that's why I came down here in the first place.

But now it's time to go home, and start our new life.


Hey guys,

Sorry this one was so short, I actually had it written longer, but it mysteriously got deleted. XD

Anywayssss, thanks for reading, plz keep voting, and commenting!!! I love you all so much! Sorry I haven't been updating in forever, I haven't had WiFi... but yah.

Soooo, I'm about to start on the 2nd book, so if you guys would like to be a cameo in it, leave a comment. Or message me! Thanks again!

I'll be trying to write as much as possible so that way y'all have a lot to read the next time you get on!



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