-Chapter 32-

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6 Months had past by quicker than ever. Luke was going to leave on tour in the next three months. We had a house built for us and our kids. The house was beautiful. It had beautiful scenery, and lots of trees. Luke and I built a swing on one of the trees, for when the kids got older.

I'm now 7 months pregnant. I can feel them kicking my belly, and I love watching their little feet show when they do it.

"Paisley!" Luke freaked as he came downstairs into the living room where I was watching my belly.

"What?" I said as I looked  up at him.

He took a deep breath, "Oh my God! Jennifer Hutcherson, and Josh Hutcherson are here, in Australia!"

"So?" I asked. "What's your point?"

"Oh my God Paisley! It's Jennifer Lawrence! From the hunger games?" Luke added.

"Oh, why didn't you just say so?" I sarcastically said.

He came and sat down next to me, "Please Paisley? Can we please go see them? Who knows, maybe we'll be their best friends forever."

"Okay Luke. Fine, we'll go. But you best buy me a milkshake." I giggled.

"Okay!" He excitedly yelled as he helped me up. He ran upstairs, and put on his grey shirt, and some black skinny jeans. I put on my black and white striped dress. I curled my hair, put on my sunglasses, and slid on my feet fashion bag.

We got in the car, and Luke drove over to the Waitomo Caves.

"Luke? What are we doing at the Waitomo Caves?" I asked.

He looked at me with the biggest smile as he took the keys out of the ignition. "Jen is here."

"Oh yah." I laughed.

We got out of the car, and walked inside. We didn't have to pay, the lady knew who Luke Hemmings was, so she let us down in the caves for free.

We stepped inside this elevator, as we got lower and lower, it became really cold. The lady gave me a jacket as soon as she noticed I was freezing.

We got to the bottom just in time to see two ladies, and two guys with the same jackets that I had on. Luke turned to look at me, his eyes were widened, and his jaw was dropped. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Go ahead." I giggled.

Luke smiled and pulled my arm until we go over to them. Luke was too nervous to get their attention, so I had to tap on Jens shoulder.

She turned around, she was even more gorgeous in person. He short blonde hair was perfect, her blue eyes were so freaking blue, and her smile... Oh dear Lord. And she was pregnant!

"Hi, I'm Paisley... and this is my fianceè Luke Hemmings. He wanted to tell you hi, and maybe hang out with y'all." I spoke shyly but strong.

She smiled, "Ok, hey Luke. I'm Jennifer, this is Josh, my husband, this is his brother Connor." She said as she motioned to the other guy, "and this is his wife Madi." She said as she motioned to the other girl, who was pregnant as well.

Luke and I both smiled and waved. They all looked amazing. And I could see how Luke had a thing for Jen, most girlfriends, or wives would be mad, but not me, she was gorgeous. I didn't blame Luke that he liked her.

"So, we were just about to get started, would you guys like to come with us?" Jen asked.

Luke stood there drooling, I'm pretty sure I was too. We both snapped out of it, and agreed.

Luke got lost talking to Jen, Josh, and Connor about everything, so I stayed and talked to Madi. She seemed a little shy at first, but after five minutes we were fan girling about everything.

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