-Chapter 7-

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A week had past, and it didn't even feel like it. Summer was leaving me too fast. I still couldn't believe that Luke was my boyfriend, every time that I saw him I would have to make sure he was real. I couldn't believe that I was going to gigs with a new band, every time they sing I can feel that they are gonna take off soon.

"Paisley!" Luke called my name from the room. I ran into my room faster than a cheetah. I plopped right on top of Luke's back; he was laying on my bed, he turned over and started kissing my neck, then right under my ear, I just burst out with laughter. "Stop, that tickled!" He giggles and then does it again. But this time he pins me underneath him and starts tickling my belly. "STOP!" I tried to get out those words but I clearly didn't because he kept tickling me.

I finally escaped, I took a deep breath, "Now I know better not to plop on you again." I laughed.

Luke sighed and then made a pouty face, "but I like tickling your belly. It's cute." He smiled, and then made a pounce pose, I giggled at it, "Luke... don't you da-" I stopped speaking and started to run.

But I had nowhere to go... Damn you, you stupid apartment! Why do you have to be so goddamn small!

Luke caught me. Damit! I started to laugh uncontrollably. He finally stopped and then sat on top of me. "Pais, what do you wanna do today?"

I tried to get up but he blocked me. I just giggled. "We could go to the beach?"

"That'd be fun." He smirked.

"But you'd have to let me get up to get ready." I grinned.

"Lets make a deal..." He added.

"Oh no!" I rolled my eyes. "These are never good!" We both laughed.

He gave me a cheeky smile and said, "I'm not letting you leave, until you kiss me."

"Okay?" I gave him a quick peck. He started to laugh. "What is it?" I asked. He smirked and said "you have to actually try to kiss me." He pinned my hands against the ground. I kept trying to kiss him but he kept moving his damn head. "Stop it." I squealed, I giggled. Someone knocked on the door, Luke turned his head and that's when I made my shot. "I win." I smiled as I got up. Luke couldn't help but laugh. "That was a good one." He said as he gave me another kiss.

He checked the door. It was one of my neighbors, Ms. Juny. She started to speak in her cranky smoker voice, "You kids need to calm down. I don't care if y'all are having sex! At least do it quietly! I have a male friend over and he's starting to get ideas... So, knock it off!" She creaked away. As soon as Luke closed the door, we started to burst out with laughter.

Luke did the best he could to copy her, he bent his back like he had a hump, he curled his hands up like a t-rex, and pulled his lips in where they covered his teeth. "I'm Ms. Juny. I don't like sex because I died before dinosaurs even figured it out."

I fell on the floor laughing, I couldn't breathe. He said another one, "I'm Ms. Juny, I have a male friend over and he's getting ideas... whatever that means?!" I still couldn't breathe, they way he did it killed me. "Stop, I'm gonna pee!" I yelled as I held my bladder. Luke came over to me, he had the exact same pose, and face and everything. "Let it on out!" He said it the funny voice. I jumped up and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. I went pee, I washed ny hands and thought about his face. I started to laugh again; but this time I didn't have to pee.

I put on my bikini, and gave Luke his swim trunks. Luke was pretty much staying over at my house now. He had some clothes over here, but all of his other stuff was at his house. We went over there every now and then. Luke would even bring over his video games and we would have shooter game wars. I slid my washed out blue jean shorts over my bikini bottoms, and I slid on my maroon tank.

We got in Luke's car, he drove us over to the beach. We walked down the shore line. It was so peaceful. "Pais?" Luke asked me.

"Yah Luke?" I responded.

He took a deep breath. "What would happen if I do become famous?" I held his hand, "I don't know Luke. I guess that we would just except it, and make the best out of it." I smiled and tried to reassure both of us, but I was just as scared as Luke was. It was hard to hide it, and even if he still didn't become famous and had to leave me, I would have to leave him at the end of summer.


Heyyyy, guys I'm going to bed. I'm so tired. My hands hurt from writing 4 chapters. I'm starving! I need food!! I'll leave you guys hanging, until the next time I get Wi-Fi!!!! *happy dance*

Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you guys so much! You guys just clicking to read my book makes my heart smile. Hitting the vote button, literally kills me! You guys are incredible, y'all are the ones who keep making me write!

Love you allllllllllll!!! G'dnight my homies!!!! Thank y'all so much!!!!


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