-Chapter 11-

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     ***Ashtons Pov***

What was I gonna do? Life felt terrible, well not terrible; but life felt like a rollercoaster. We had it great with One Direction, no problems, no worries we're at our highest point, now all of a sudden this comes up... great!

I have to talk to someone other than myself. I'm a moron, I never should have done it, the guys are gonna kill me. So, there is only person to talk too. Paisley.

I drive over to her apartment. She opens the door. "Can I come in?"

She of course smiles and tells me sure. I walk in and sit on the couch. She sits next to me.

"What's up buttercup?" She grinned. Buttercup, that was her thing that she did with us.

I took a deep breath. Grow some balls Ash, just tell her. "Ok, so-um... Remember that girl who I spent two nights with on Cali before we left to Arizona?"

She scratched her head, "Meghan?" She asked.

I licked my lips and nodded. I started to sweat, my lips became chapped, and my palms became clammy. "Well, I got her pregnant." I said as I fell back into the couch. "I'm a terrible person Pais." I covered my face. "What am I gonna do? I barely get paid enough at KFC, how am I going to provide for a baby?"

She scooted closer to me, she held my hands, "Ash." She took a deep breath, "you're not a terrible person. Everyone goes through this. It'll all be okay in the end. We all love you, and I'm sure that Meghan loves you too. She's probably just as scared as you." She looked around the living room, I'm guessing she was in thought mode. She looked back at me, "she was 19 right?"

I slowly nodded my head.

"Ashton! That's great! Get her to live up here with you! You guys can start a family, I mean she is old enough to live on her own." She smiled.

"Are you giving me hints to something?" I giggled. She gave me the 'cmon really?' Look. I laughed, "Just kidding!" I stood up and gave her a hug. "Thanks Pais." I left and called Meghan back to tell her the great news. I was hoping that she would be excited.

        ***Paisley's Pov***

I walked back into my bedroom as soon as Ashton left. Luke was lying on my bed with his jaw dropped.

"Luke?" I asked as I walked over to him to see his face clear. I almost started to laugh, but this was serious. "I'm guessing you heard." I said as I laid next to him on the bed.

"Wow." He said under his breath. He took a deep breath, and turned to face me. "That's insain." He put his arm around me.

"Luke?" I got serious as I played with his hand. He looked up at my eyes. "If I ever got pregnant would you leave me?"

"What?" He put his hand on my cheek. "I would never leave you." He started to stroke my cheek with his thumb. "No matter what. I love you too much, we've been through so much. I couldn't function right without you. If we ever split up, I wouldn't be whole, I would be half a heart with out you."

He always knew what to say that made me smile. "Well, lucky for us both I feel the exact same way." I gave him a kiss. He started to play with my hair, and I did the same to him.


Text Message: Michael Clifford.

Hey, um Ashton just told me some news, he said that he already told you. He's about to tell Cal and Luke. Isn't that insain?"

I looked at my phone but ignored it. I didn't feel like texting people, I just wanted to be disconnected with the world, and just be with Luke. I started to worry about Ashton, he's such a flirt and I hope that he hasn't done that with a bunch of other girls, I hope that it was only this one.


Heyyyy, I don't really feel like writing and authors note, I'm so tired. My hands hurt, and I'm starving. Please vote and comment!!! Vote for Ashtons baby, comment the love!

Lol! I've always wanted to be weird and do those things!



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