-Chapter 13-

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***Calum's Pov***

Liz and Paisley sent me over to hang with Luke while they plan his party, no body has told him happy birthday, we've all wanted him to think that we forgot.

I tapped my knuckles against the door, "Luke!" I said as I gave him a hug, I had barely seen him these last couple of days.

"Come on in. Not like anyone's here." He shrugged. He sounded depressed. I guess that us not telling him Happy birthday got to him. We always told him, every year we would tell him, but since this was his big nineteenth birthday party, we decided to surprise him.

"What's Wrong Luke?" I asked as I grabbed a water out of the fridge, I started to drink the Icy cold water.

He sighed, "Last night Paisley told me to stay home, not her home; but my actual home." He sat down at the bar. "I guess that I was being too involved. I guess that me trying to be close to her, has made it to where she's pushing me away."

I started to feel bad, I wanted to tell him the reason why she told him that. But I don't even think that he remembered it was his birthday, he was so involved with Paisley instead of his birthday. Damn.

I cleared my throat after the water soothed it. "It'll be ok, I know for a fact. I think that you're just over reacting." I gave him a hug, "Let's go play video games and do what we used to do." I laughed thinking about all of our old memories, cuddling, (which wasn't that bad) video games, Dragon ball z with Ash and Mikey, doing covers and hoping someday we would be big.

***Michael's Pov***

"Ashton?!" I yelled/whispered. "What the hell?"

He laughed, "hush!" He threw his leg over the tall wooden gate. As soon as he reached the top he said, "look at me Mikey, I'm riding big wood!" He started to hump the wood. I couldn't help but burst out in laughter, but he was being so loud, so I pushed him off of the top.

*Bang* *Crash Noises*

I giggled and then climbed over immediately. Ashton faced me with the most serious face I had ever seen. "Ouch."

I started to laugh, until we heard Mr. Beasley. We were just going to borrow some things for about five to six hours and then bring it right back.

I covered Ashtons face, and he covered mine. Mr. Beasley was in the front yard, he was old as crap, and he would get along great with what's her name? Ms. Juny.

We remained quiet until we heard him walk back inside. We looked around the back yard, there was a little shed. It was filled with party stuff. Alcohol, decorations, frozen food, everything that we needed for Luke's party. I already knew that Liz wouldn't approve of the alcohol, but I brought it anyway, for the after party, when Liz leaves.

I grabbed as much stuff as possible, then I noticed a hammock. I grabbed it and shoved as much stuff as I could, and then folded it like a burrito. Ashton and I scurried away from Mr. Beasley's house as fast as we could.

We tossed the hammock full of stuff in Ashtons truck bed. We drove over to the "Secret Location" where the party would be at.

***Paisley's Pov***

Liz and I were almost done making our gifts, and wrapping the other gifts that the guys had bought for him. I felt like this was going to be the best, I was just really hoping he was ok. I'm sure he was perfectly fine, Calum was with him.

"Paisley, will you please head over to the store and buy some candy, Michael said he was bringing a piñata, and we really need candy to fill it up." Liz said as she handed me some money.

"Yes Mrs. Hemmings. I'll be right back." I saluted and smiled, I jumped in the same rental car that I had been using since day one, and drove over to Wal-Mart.

Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy... "CANDY!" I shouted as I found the candy. I grabbed a variety of bags that held different kinds of candy. I ran up to the front and checked out.

I finished and got in my car, I drove back over to Liz, Michael and Ashton were already there. The piñata was up, and it was a Michelangelo ninja turtle piñata, I filled it up with so much candy.

I stood there, and looked at all of our hard work, but then I remembered Calum had the biggest job of all... To Watch Birthday Boy Luke.

I texted Calum "Its time." He told me he was on his way, it was only 7:43 pm. Hopefully we could start before eight.

***Calums Pov***

"C'mon Luke. Let's go get some ice cream." I said as energetic as I could. Luke ran over to me like a little boy.

We got in my car, Luke seemed like his usual self. It was nice to have him back.

I look back at the road for no longer than three seconds and I hear snores. I look over to see Luke passed out in his green shades. I couldn't help but laugh, granted he had a long day of video games, and cuddles from his best bro.

I hoped that he would be as excited as we were.

***Luke's Pov***

I woke up, it was dark outside. Calum wasn't in the car, but I heard laughing, and I saw a little faded Orange light in the distance. Fire?

I walked down this little path that had a trail of rocks leading to the light. I was outside on a beach. It all looked strangely familiar.

As I walked down the path, the light became brighter and brighter. It was a fire, and my mum, my dad, the guys, and even Paisley were standing by the fire. They were holding something, but as I got closer it became more clear. It was a collage of me, from the time I was born to the last picture I took Paisley, which was this morning before I left.

I ran up to her and gave her a kiss, then I hugged my mum and gave her a kiss, I continued to hug everyone. We opened presents, and ate cake. Then my mum and dad had to leave.

Once they left, Michael grabbed this bag and pulled out a bottle of Vodka. He poured us all some shots, the bitter taste burned as it slid down my throat.

We played hit the piñata. It was Michelangelo from TMNT. I got the most candy.

The last thing I remember is we set up a hammock, and we all laid in it, the we all passed out.


HILOOOO!!! Lol, I just wanted to say Happy Late Birthday to Luke Robert Hemmings!

Anyway, I had so much fun writing this chapter. Make sure that y'all vote and comment.

Have a great day, and stay happy! Love life!

(P.S) I'm starting this thing called #ashtag let's make this a thing! Lol! So if you guys have insta or fb, or even if you see a picture of the boys put #ashtag lol!

Love you guys soooooo sooooo soooooo much!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!


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