-Chapter 10-

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The light shinning through the window awakened me. I opened my eyes to see Luke's face. I forgot that we had just gotten home three hours ago. It felt nice to be black in my small apartment.

Luke was smiling ear to ear.

"Oh no." I said as I covered my face, "I have bed head, don't I?" I started to brush my hair with my fingers, but Luke stopped me.

"No, I like it." He smiled and gave me a kiss. We both had morning breath, but I didn't care. Luke wrapped his arms around my body, we were both facing each other, our legs were intertwined together.

I brought my head closer to his, I stared into his deep blue eyes, "What are we gonna do today?"

He shrugged, "I really don't know, I mean... We are alone, we don't have anywhere to be, or nothing important to do." He started to smirk. Damit. I knew what that smirk was for.

I just giggled, then I looked around the room all innocent. He started to kiss my neck which made me giggle even more. I started to scrunched up my body, it tickled so bad.

Luke stopped kissing my neck, he looked away. I hope that I dint hurt his feelings, so I gave him a big kiss; he turned back immediately. That little shit. He was just pouting to get his way. It was actually pretty cute.

We continued to make out, then Luke decided to take his shirt off. He started to tug on the bottom of mine, so I slid mine off as well. I forgot I was in my lace black bra. Luke's eyes lit up when he saw my bra, he continued to kiss me even more. But then he stopped.

He looked into my eyes with his gorgeous blue ones, "Pais? Do you really wanna do this?"

I had to think, I've never done this in my life, so if we did do it, and I wasn't good he would leave me.

"Never mind. Just forget it." He said as he slid off of me.

I sighed, "No Luke. I do wanna do this." I whined hoping he wouldn't think I was a loser.

"No, we're not doing it because you hesitated. And you hesitated because you don't wanna do it. I respect you Paisley, I don't wanna to make you do anything that you don't wanna do." He grabbed his shirt, he was about to slide it on till I spoke.

"Luke!" I sighed. "The only reason why I hesitated is because I've-I'm... I've never had sex before... okay?" My voice became small.

He sat on the bed next to me, he didn't have his shirt on. "Babe... you don't have to be insecure about that, because I'm a virgin too."

When he spoke those last four words, it made me smile, because even if I was bad we would both be bad and not even know it. I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" He asked as a smile appeared on his sweet face.

I then burst out in laughter. I told him what I was thinking, and he started to laugh with me. But if we were going to do this I had to get him turned on again.

I pushed him down on the bed, I threw one leg over his torso and laid on top of him. We were both still shirtless so our warm bellies touched. He moved his hands to my back and he unclasped my bra, I slid it off, I unbuttoned his black skinny jeans, while he started to unbutton my shorts. It was so hard to pull off Luke's jeans. One, he's way long. Two, the sweat made them stick to his legs.

I just stood up and slid my shorts off, Luke did the same, even though he sort of struggled. He was staring at me while taking them off, which I'm sure is why he was having a bit of difficulty. He finally got them off. I was just left in my panties, Luke took off his underwear when he took off his pants.

If I take off my panties, I would have officially been naked in front of a guy. I've never been naked in front of anyone, well besides my mom but that only lasted for two years before she passed. I laid on the bed with Luke. I didn't know how to take off my panties, it was so weird being in this situation, so Luke did it for me. Ahhh, it's happening.

Luke pulled my body closer to his. This was happening. I thought to myself, he opened me. It kind of hurt, but felt good. He then entered me, it felt so good. Moans escaped my mouth as he kissed me all over. Why haven't we done this before, I thought.

After it was over he pulled himself off of me. I was sweaty and out of breath. I missed the feeling, but I was extremely tired. I cuddled up next to Luke and fell asleep.


Sooooo, hey. Umm, this was really hard to write, because I've never experienced, or done any of that stuff! Lol!

So, I better be seeing some votes, and comments here! Lol! Because I most likely, will never write it again, unless you guys think I should! Lol!

Anyways, I hope that you all loved it, thanks for reading, make sure that you all Vote and or Comment, even if you don't like it! Lol!!



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