-Chapter 3-

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"Ashton this is Paisley." Luke said as he introduced me to Ashton. He seemed nice, he seemed happy, he also acted very sarcastic.

Ashton put his arm around my shoulder, "you can stay, but you have to be extremely quiet, because as soon as Mikey gets here we are gonna record."

I looked around, "Who's Mike-"

"Hey guys! Sorry, my ex saw me headed over here and wouldn't shut up." He giggled, I don't know who he was, but he had brown hair with a red tint to it. He saw me, pointed, then looked at the guys, "who's this?" He smiled.

Luke quickly walked over to me, "Michael this is, My girlfriend." What? My stomach dropped. I looked at him confused, he whispered in my ear, "play along."

"Yes, I'm Paisley... Luke's girlfriend." I did the best to make that believable, but I'm pretty sure that I looked suspicious.

Michael gave Luke a I don't believe this kind of look. Luke looked at him and Said "Oh, so you don't believe me huh?" Michael shook his head.

Luke looked at me, and said "ok," he leaned in, I knew what he was doing, I had to make this look believable. So I grabbed Luke's cheeks and pulled him to my face so fast that we did a head butt. The room filled with laughter, I looked at Luke, "I'm so sorry." I giggled. He giggled with me. "It's ok, I thought it was adorable."

"I guess she really wanted you Luke." Michael added.

Luke flipped him off, then laughed.

"Ok, let's do this!!!" Ashton said, then everyone grabbed their equipment. They did a cover of American Idiot by Green Day. I was really impressed, it was incredible. After they finished, I started to hum the tune.

Calum came over to me, he had the face of shock "are you humming Green Day?"

I grinned, "yeah?"

"Would you like to sing for us?!" Michael said with excitement.

"Um, I don't really sing." I shrugged and looked at the floor.

"Are you kidding?" Luke asked, "you told me you love music!"

I looked up, like a long ways up, because I was sitting on the couch. "That doesn't mean that I sing." I laughed. Luke sat next to me, "Please, Pais? Please, for me?" Luke gave me puppy dog eyes, I couldn't turn it down. "Fine!" I stood up, I got behind the microphone. They all cheered of excitement.

They started to play green day Holiday, I loved that song. We sang that, and Teenage Dirtbag, American Idiot, and Move Along.

After Move Along they stopped playing before I could sing another note, "I thought you said that you couldn't sing." Ashton said sarcastically. I just giggled. "What else can you not do?"

I smiled and grabbed the extra guitar that was sitting on the stand, I started to play. Their jaws dropped. Then I grabbed Calums bass, I started to play that, then I told Ashton to stand up, "No! Sorry! These are my drums!" Everyone laughed, Luke stepped in, "Ash, just let her try." Ashton rolled his eyes and moved. I sat down, I started to play wipe-out by the beach boys. They all dropped to the floor.

"Damn Luke! Your girlfriend is incredible!" Calum and Michael said at the same time, while I look over at Ashton he's at my feet and he's saying "Drum goddess!" The room fills with laughter.

Luke comes over to me, we walk back to the couch, "So, Ash, why did you call us here in the first place?" Luke asked.

He sat back down on his drum stool. "Well, the reason I called is because, one... we had to record a demo. Two, the demo is being sent to the owner of the Blue Monkey night club!"

Everyone screamed, I'm guessing they were excited.. Luke gave me a hug, it was really sweet, but then we pulled away quickly. I got lost into his deep blue eyes. We smiled, Luke leaned in them he went to my ear, "Lets go." He said. I nodded.

"Hey guys, um, we're gonna go get some grub. We'll catch up with y'all later." Luke said as he held my hand. They just waved us goodbye. So we left.

We didn't have a car, so we had to walk. "Where are we going?" I asked. Luke just smiled and said "You'll see." I kept thinking of all of the places that we could go, but I was still puzzled.

Then we arrived at an old abandoned building, "What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Well, you have an incredible voice, and this place has the best reverb. It will really improve the way you think about your voice." Luke smiled as he sang 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno Mars.

I sang harmony with him, I saw his cheeks start to turn red. It was really cute. Then, we walked up to each other, the singing started to die down, we were only inches apart. We leaned in closer, our lips met, and they locked. I was new to kissing, but I felt like I knew how to do it. I pulled back, but Luke brought mg lips back to his.

He then pulled away, he looked at my eyes, "Paisley?"

"Luke?" I smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I smiled so big, I nodded my head, "yes Luke!" I gave him a hug, then we continued to kiss.


Heyyyy!!! So, what up? How'd y'all like this chapter? Comment and vote, the more votes the more I'll update!!

Thanks guys!!!! I love you all! Stay classy!!!!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! ^,<


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