-Chapter 15-

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I was barely able to breathe. Luke and I haven't seen or contacted each other in three days. We're we officially over? If so I really needed to know, because I couldn't stand the pain. I was literally dying from the inside out. I had to leave this jewish hell that people called love. It made no sense to me; you could be at your highest point, then something upsets the other person and you feel the most excruciating pain of your life, even if it was something so small.

Luke stayed on my mind for seconds, then the seconds turned to minutes, then the minutes to hours, the hours to days, then days to a week.

What was happening? If he wasn't going to come over here to fix things with me, I was going to yank his sweet ass out of his cool room, and solve this shit with him.

I jumped in my car and drove over the speed limit to Luke's house. I tapped my knuckles on the door. Nobody answered, so I looked under the mat for the key, it wasn't there. I skinned the top of the door frame. Hazza!

I unlocked the door, and quickly but quietly ran up the stairs to Luke's room. He was on his bed making out with some chick. He quickly looked back at me, his face became shocked. He stood up off of his bed.

I was about to speak but I had nothing to say to him. "Pais! Paisley!" He yelled as he chased after me. I ignored him as I increased my speed towards the door. But before I could even open the door he grabbed me by my waist. Curse his long legs.

I slapped his hands, "let go Luke!" I folded my arms over one another.

"Let me explain." He said as he took a deep breath.

"NO LUKE! You don't have to explain anything! It's super clear that you have a fall back plan for when I leave in the next couple of weeks!" I pierced my lips together, "Luke I loved you." I stopped breathing at 'loved' "Luke... I still love you! And I don't know why? Maybe it's because I'm crazy, but you clearly don't feel the same about me!" I swung the door open, and ran out to my car.

Luke came running out, tears were streaming down his face, "Wait! Please!!!" I heard his muffled voice through the windows. I just shook my head and stepped on the gas as I backed out of the driveway.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, the pain was unbearable. Stop! Make this stop!!

               ***Calum's Pov***

I was sitting on the couch with Michael, we were playing videogames.


I heard the doorbell, "Hang on." I told Mikey as I paused the game. I opened the hoping to see the pizza guy, but I ended up seeing Paisley.

Her makeup was smeared all over her face, "C-can I come i-in Cal?" She asked as she choked on her tears.

I pulled her in. "Are you okay?" I asked.

She shook her head. Michael stood up and came over to give her a hug, she went and sat on the couch with us. "What happened Pais?"

She started telling us the whole thing. How she went to go fix things with Luke, but ended up seeing a girl. I'm guessing Aleshia, his ex.

She seemed extremely devastated about it, but it wasn't something that videogames with her besties and pizza couldn't handle. The pizza guy got there with our pizza, I paid him the 10 dollars that we owed him, and he left. I was going to do everything I could to make her feel better.


Heyyyyyyyy what's up!?

I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's short... I'll make up for it later, and you guys will either love me, or hate me for it! Lol!

Anyways!! Make sure  that you guys vote and comment. Go read the other books on this account! They're AMAZEBALLS! Lol!

Love you guys loads! Ttylxox!!

#AshTag #KeepReading #ReadOn


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