-Chapter 17-

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            ***Paisley's Pov***

I only had two more days with Luke. I was about to leave the man that I love, I didn't know how we would do this; but things would be okay.

"PAIS! Hurry!" I heard Calums laughter coming from his room. "C'mon!"

I ran as fast as I could. I opened the door, Calum and Luke were sitting next to each other, "Show her Luke." Calum couldn't stop giggling.

"No!" He giggled and then blushed.

Calum sighed. "Fine I'll show you then."

"Ok, fine I'll do it!" Luke said as he covered Calums face.
Calum gave him a cheeky smile. "Luke, how does Paisley act?" Calum asked sarcastically.

Luke smiled so big that you saw his one little dimple in his right cheek. "Ah I'm Paisley."

I was slightly offended, but it was the funniest thing (besides Luke's impression of Ms. Juny) that I've seen. I started to laugh with them. Michael came in the room to see what was going on. Luke showed him, then Michael looked at me, then back at Luke, "I think you got it spot on." He laughed.

I jokingly punched Mikey in the arm, "Ow, diva and abusive." He said giggling.

"Shut up." I laughed as I gave him a hug. Before Luke and I got back together after our fight, I really bonded with Mikey and Cal. We were all like siblings now.

I laid on Calums bed, Mikey came to lay next to me. Luke and Calum were still cracking jokes. "So what are you gonna do for these last two days?" Mikey quietly talked as he played with my hair.

"Um, I don't really know?" I shrugged, "what do you think I should do?" I turned to face him, he did the same.

He grabbed the top of my head and said, "You and I need to get matching hair." We both giggled.

"Ok, let's go." I smiled.

His jaw dropped,"Are you being serious? Like for real? You would do that with me?"

I grabbed his head, "Why not?" I grinned.

"Ok, awesome!" He jumped up off of the bed. Luke and Calum were so confused. "Lets go!"

I just laughed as I stood up, "Where are you going Pais?" Luke asked me.

"I'm going to get matching hair with Mikey." I gave Luke a quick kiss. "Love you." I said as I grabbed my keys.

We got in the car, I drove over to New You Salon. We went inside, a lady was finishing up somebody's new hair cut. "Hi!" She greeted us warmly.

"Hey!" Michael and I smiled. We sat on the couch waiting till she finished her client. After she finished she called us over to her work area. "How can I help you guys?" She said.

Michael explained what he wanted done, he's done this longer than I have, I've never had my hair dyed or highlighted in my life. "That's a cute couple idea." She smiled.

"Oh, we're not a couple!" We both said at the same moment.

She blushed, "I'm sorry, I just thought that you two were a couple, you guys walked in together and everything. I'm sorry."
"Its ok." I smiled, "we're just really close friends, and I leave in two days so we wanted to do this." I grinned at Michael.

"Ok, well I'll go on ahead and do y'alls hair at the same time." She explained as she prepared the mixture in the bowl. The smell was wafting, and it was so strong it started to burn my nostrils.

She grabbed the foil and the mixture and put it on my hair, she did the same to Michael. Once she finished with that, she set us under the dryer. I wanted to talk to Mikey, but I would be so loud that my father could probably hear our conversation. So I just pulled out my phone and started to text him.

"Michael, what colors did you ask for again?"

"You'll see when we're finished. I know you'll love it! And you'll love me for it as well. :))

All of a sudden I became scared, did I really trust Michael enough to do this. Oh good Lord, I was now terrified. She called us back over to the work area, she pulled out the foil, and then washed our hair.

She blow dried it, and styled it. At the end, she smiled and said "Are you ready?" She sounded unsure.

I was so nervous, she started to spin me around. Eeee, what was I about to look at? What did I do to my hai-

"Oh my God! Mikey!!! I love it! What the hell? Why didn't we do this when I had two months to be here?!" I loved it, my hair was gorgeous. It had blonde highlights, that faded to pink. I guess you could say ombre. I loved it, I looked over at Michael to see his blonde hair with pink tips. We were rocking this look.

"Can I be the first to say I love you!" I jumped up and gave him a hug. I couldn't wait to show Luke.

***Luke's Pov***

"Calum?" I asked as I laid on Paisley's bed.

He paused his game and looked over at me. "Luke?"

"Did you shag Paisley when her and I took a break?" I asked as the metal video played in my head, I almost started to cry.

He sighed, "No Luke." He gave me a reassuring smile.

"Well did Michael shag Paisley?"

Calum burst out in laughter.

"What's so funny?" I sat up to look at him. I was so fucking confused. "So is that a yes?"

"Luke?! No! Paisley, and Michael? HELL NO! All Paisley could talk about was you. Her and Mikey were never left alone together. I made sure." He smiled and gave me a hug.

"Ok, well... that makes me feel a lot better." I smiled, it felt good knowing that your bestfriends didn't shag your girlfriend. I'm actually glad that she's bonding with Mikey. She needs more good people around her.



So, it's only been like... two days since I've updated something. But it feels like forever! XD

Anyway, I love you guys so much! 171 reads!!!! You guys kill me! Lol!

I love you all so much! You guys mean the world to me! Thank you all so much for the love and support!!!

Keep voting! And btw things are about to get good/sad... uh oh, I've said to much!



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