-Chapter 30-

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We pulled into Ashtons driveway. Its a Saturday, so we know that they are all in there playing video games.

Luke rang the doorbell. We waited for a couple of minutes, until Ashton finally opened the door. His jaw dropped and his newly straightened hair fell in his face as he screamed and surrounded Luke and I with the biggest hug. The guys must have heard Ashtons really loud girl scream because they came to the door to find Luke and I, and did the same thing Ash did.

We went inside and sat on the couch. The room filled with laughter, smiles, and Michael talking so loud because he was so excited.

I looked at all of them, including Luke. What, the, hell? All of their hair was straightened. Luke asked me if it looked good this morning, and I agreed, but that'd so weird how all of their hair was the same.

Ashton brought it up, as soon as I thought of it. Weird.

Back to Mikey. I had to talk to him, and let him know what was going on. I stood up, they all looked at me.

"What?" I laughed. "Haven't you ever seen a girl who has a headache?" They smiled, "Kidding, I love you guys, I'm just gonna step outside for a minute." I looked at Michael, and gave him a hint to come with me. He caught on.

We went outside to the back porch. Harry was jumping on the trampoline, so we went to sit in the lawn chairs. Which was further away from Harry.

I sighed. "Michael?" I looked at him, "there's something we have to talk about."

"Yeah?" He said as he turned in his chair so he could face me. I did the same.

"Okay, so, I've really been thinking about you lately." His face lit up as I said that, "but, I want you to know that our kiss that we had when Luke and I took a break, was an accident." His face returned to normal.

"Paisley," he sighed, "I knew you would say that. But I just can't help it that I have feelings for you. I know you love Luke, but I think I love you more. Ever since I first saw you in Ashtons house, your eyes caught my attention. Your eyes are beautiful like your personality. You're amazing in so many ways, and you're really special to me. I know that sounds weird because we both know that you love Luke. But I want you to know, that I will love you no matter what. If I ever get married, I'll never love her as much as I love you." He tried to smile but he seemed so hurt.

I had a lump in my throat. My stomach started to get tied into knots, I felt faint. "Michael, I love you too! You know what to say, and how to say it, and when to say it. But I think there is a better girl out there for you, who will appreciate you more than I ever could." My breathing became shallow, my heart felt like it was about to stop beating. "Michael." I said as the words barely escaped my mouth. Everything started to become black.

"Paisley?" Michael said, my body became heavy. "HARRY GO GET HELP!!!" I heard Michael scream. Then it became black.

***Michael's Pov***

Paisley didn't look ok. Her eyes were becoming droopy. "Michael." She barely even said the words.

"Paisley?" I asked as I held my arms out, her body was falling forward. Her eyes were almost shut. Shit she's passing out! "HARRY GO GET HELP!!!" She completely fell forward. I caught her.

I watched Harry rush inside to go get someone. Luke ran over as fast as he could. He looked at me, "Call 911! Now!!!" Luke picked her up, he starts to cry, "Paisley, come on! No, don't do this to me." Luke's sad voice made my heart break for both of them.

The operator said an ambulance would be on its way.

Luke started to pat her face, then he would cry even more. He grabbed her belly and said "No, you can't do this to us Pais."

Why would he say that?

Her face went blue. "Luke?" I said as my whole body started to shake. He gave me the worst look ever. I looked at Paisley, I felt uncomfortable looking at Luke, I felt like he blamed me for what was happening to Paisley.

Her hand fell limp outta Luke's hold, I held it. It was freezing, her whole body was blue at this moment. The ambulance showed up quickly after that.

They rushed to the back yard with a stretcher. They got her hooked up, and set her in the back of the ambulance. Luke got in there with her. I heard them shock her, and then they sped on the road to the hospital.

Ashton, Calum and I got in Ashtons truck and we rushed to the hospital. I hoped that she was okay.

***Luke's Pov***

I watched them shock her body twice, and then she opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "Luke!" She started to cry. She held her stomach, "Luke! Something's wrong!" She laid back down and fell asleep.

The lady looked at me. "Is she pregnant? Or could she possibly be pregnant?"

I nodded my head. "She's pregnant."

She shook her head, "Since she wasn't breathing for quite a long time, this could effect the baby."

My heart shattered into a million pieces. The one thing I had created, and that I was getting ready for could pretty much be gone.

We made it to the hospital, and everything went slow. I knew that they were rushing her into the emergency, but everything felt slow motion.

Ashton, Calum, and Michael showed up seconds after I got her signed in.

I was just praying that my kid wasn't gone.


Heyyyyy guys!

Omg! I just like to torture you all, including myself! >,<

I seriously need help! Omg!! And this book is almost over so, I'm dying!!!!

Anywayssss, thank you guys so much for reading this book, and make sure that you vote and comment.



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