-Chapter 33-

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I woke up in an empty bed, I tried feeling around for Luke, But he wasn't there. I pulled the hairband off of my wrist and made a messy bun. I grabbed my robe and headed down stairs.

Luke was making breakfast. I came behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

He turned around and gave me a kiss, and then kissed my belly. It was so sweet. I knew that we were both excited for our children, I had their rooms and everything set up.

The only thing that we needed was a baby shower. Which we planned on having it sometime this month. My father, my brother, my niece and nephew, and all of our friends are supposed to come.

I kept thinking about the baby shower while Luke cooked the hash browns, and pancakes.

I sat at the table and played with the wisps coming from my hair. I was really proud of this messy bun, it looked legit.

Luke finished making breakfast, he made himself and I a plate. Of course I finished before him, I had to feed three people here. The boy, the girl, and me.

I was trying to limit myself on food. I wasn't going to eat a lot, but eat enough for all of us. Then I would do my workouts to stay in shape.

A lot of my clothes still fit me, except for my shirts. I only bought seven new shirts, two maternity pants, and a couple dresses in case of a special occasion.

I went upstairs to change. I put on some black maternity jeans, and a loose pink tank with a lacey back.
I came downstairs and sat with Luke.

Madi kept texting me, and I was getting tired of texting so I invited her and Jen over. Luke said that he would leave, so we.could gossip about him.

"Oh Luke... please, stop flattering yourself." I giggled.

He laughed, "Oh yes, I know you guys will be like..." He stopped and then he got in his girl mode, and spoke in a diva girl voice, "Oh my God! I love Luke Hemmings." He swooned on his name. He made his girly walk over to me, "Did you see his butt?" He turned around and slapped it. "Ow!"

"Okay!" I laughed so hard. "Just let me breathe!"

He started to pout, "But I'm not done."

I just laughed, "Luke, I get the jyst." I smiled and stood up. I held his hands, and looked in his eyes, "I love Luke Hemmings. And I I've seen his hot butt a million times." I smacked it for him.

He smiled, "Ow!" In the same voice he did earlier.

I just burst out in laughter. Luke did the same. We talked for about ten more minutes, then he said that he should leave before Madi and Jennifer get here.

I sat on the couch and watched TV, until they got here. I heard the doorbell ring. I went and opened the door to see Jen and Madi.We were all pregnant, so it felt nice having girls around who are going through the same things you're going through.

I felt like we all bonded as we talked more and more. It was nice, so I decided to invite, Shelby, and Jordan.

I heard the door bell ring, they were all here. It was like a.maternity party.

Shelby gave me a hug, "I'm so glad that you invited us!" She giggled, "Calum was going on about stuff with the other guys." She rolled her eyes. "I was like, where's Paisley?" She smiled and gave  me another hug.

I think I loved Shelby more than Meghan and Jordan, just because she was similar to me, and we were both having twins. She was having a boy and a girl too.

So we all sat on the leather sectional couch that Luke and I bought.

"Ok, so let's go around the room and introduce ourselves, and what we're having." I smiled trying to get everyone to know each other.

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