-Chapter 25-

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I woke up to the rooster crowing louder than I remember. I knew that meant that I was gone from home too long.

I jumped out of bed, put my hair in a messy bun, and slid on my work clothes. Brown shorts, white tank top, and brown boots.

I ran into Luke's room to wake him up, but he wasn't in there. I went downstairs into the kitchen. The kitchen was clean, and there was a plate of pancakes, bacon, and sausage made for me.

I quickly ate it, and then went to find Luke again.

As I made my way closer to the barn I heard girl screams. Haha... Luke.

I ran to the barn, I passed Dixie, and passed the cows, and saw Luke trying to gather chicken eggs.

I couldn't help but laugh, the oldest rooster kept pecking Luke's feet and wouldn't let him grab the eggs. Luke's way to protect himself was throw eggs at the rooster. Such a waste of perfect eggs.

I laughed even harder, Luke looked up at me and smiled. "What are you laughing at?" He asked.

I just shrugged.

"Ok, how about you get in here and deal with this- this thing." Luke quickly said as he ushered me in.

I giggled. "Hey Frankie." I said to the rooster. Frankie calmed down, I put my hand in the box where the girls were at, I grabbed one to two eggs at a time in each box. I held them in my shirt and made my way out. Luke's jaw was dropped. I giggled.

"Frankie huh? So you had a previous love life before me?" Luke asked as we walked towards the cows.

I giggled, "Yes Luke... Frankie and I go way back. Where do you think I learned how to tame guys like that?"

"Ohhhh! That was a good one!" Luke laughed. "See, this is why I love you." Luke smiled as he looked around and then quickly gave me a kiss.

I smiled. We made it over to the cows. "Ok, Luke... Do you want me to help you? Or you think you got it?" I asked as I held the metal bucket in my hands.

Luke held out his arms. "Gimme gimme."

"Okay." I smiled and handed it to him. Luke set the bucket underneath Noels utter. He unsurly placed his hand under there and squeezed. Noel stomped her left foot. Luke screamed and paced over to me.

I laughed so hard tears were coming out. "Oh my gosh Luke! It'll be okay." I smiled as I got in the pen with him. I sat on the little ten gallon bucket, and started to do little pulses on her utter, the milk started to fall into the bucket. Luke's face was priceless, he was so amazed.

"Did you know, that we milk goats too?" I asked Luke as he wanted to retry but was somewhat scared.

He looked at me, "Will it kick my face?!" He asked.

I laughed, "It shouldn't."

We finished milking the cow, and then we walked over to the goat. The little girl I used to babysit would come over and she decided to name her Princess Snowflake.

"This is Princess Snowflake." I said as I motioned her to Luke. Luke smiled and got on his knees, he stroked her beard, "I don't think woman are supposed to have beards... I guess you showed us men."

I just laughed. "You're a dork."

He gave me a cheeky smile, "Yah, but I'm the best dork there is... and guess what? I'm the best dork who's all yours."

I tried to give him a kiss but my dad walked by and I quickly stepped back from him.

By the end of the day, I showed Luke everything there was to do on the farm.

The correct way to gather eggs, to feed the chickens, to milk the goat and the cow, to clean out the stables, how to feed the horses, and the cows, how to untie the haybell without it falling over, and I even taught him how to operate the tractor.


"LUKE! ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN DO IT BY YOURSELF?!" I asked as loud as I could over the roaring tractor.

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

He tried to pick up the haybell with the tractor, but, it ended in hell. Luke picked it up too soon so it started to fall apart. He tried to hit the brakes but accidentally hit the gas, he drove the tractor straight into the pond.

"LUKE!!! JUMP!" I yelled as I saw the tractor going for the pond.

Luke quickly realized then jumped out three seconds before it rolled right in. I ran over to him to see if he was ok. I helped him up, and he didn't answer me, he just stood there; looking at the pond with his jaw dropped.

He looked at me concerned, "Pais, oh my gosh! I might as well start digging my grave, because your father is gonna kill me."

I laughed, "Luke, no he won't. I promise."

We started to walk over to the front yard, my dad was building a fence. "Um, Daddy? Can Luke and I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." He said as he dropped the nails and walked over to us with his hammer. Luke's hand squeezed mine tighter, I could tell he was nervous. "I'll tell him." I whispered.

"What's up baby?" He smiled.

I looked at the ground, then squinted at him because the sun was directly in my eyes. "Uh, Daddy... um, the tractor..."

"What about it?" He asked.

I looked at the ground, then back at him, "I was driving it, then accidentally drove it into the pond."

He got upset for about two minutes, then said "It's ok, that was the shitty one anyway, I've been waiting for something to happen to that thing for a long time." He laughed.

Luke almost spoke "It was me." But I shoved my elbow into his stomach.

Luke and I went inside and sat on the couch while we ate turkey breast sandwiches.



What's up everyone?? How are y'all? How's School? Mines good, I'm doing a report on Australia, which helps bc I already know a lot of stuff from doing this story.

Anywayssss, thank you all so much for the reads! Plz keep voting and commenting.... make sure that you guys share this book with everyone, so everyone has a chance to read it. :)

So, if I like become famous soon... I just want you all to know, that I love you all so much, I'll still update and stuff on wattpad, and I'll make like a book about my life and stuff, lol! Jk, unless y'all want that... but whatevs XD

Thank you all so much! This wouldn't be possible without you guys! And things are about to get SUPER GOOD!

(Said too much!)



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