-Chapter 4-

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I only knew Luke for two days, and we were already dating... sometimes I ask myself how is this possible. But there is something about Luke that makes me fall for him.

My phone dinged. I had a text message.

Hey, I'm coming to pick you up, I have a surprise for you. Be there in 15 mins.

I set my phone down and panicked. I looked like crap. My hair was in a messybun, I had slept in my makeup, my skin was oily from sweat and the ocean water. I jumped in the shower, and put on my pink chevron leggings, and a long white tank that covered my thighs. I slid on my favorite sandals, fixed my makeup, and combed my hair. It actually looked good today.

By the time I was finished brushing my teeth, I heard a knock on my door. I ran as fast as I could to the door. Luke.

I smiled as soon as I saw his face. "G'dmorning." He said as he gave me a peck on my lips.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded. He held his hand out, I grabbed it, and then I closed and locked the door.

We got in his car, we made too many turns to count. But as Luke was driving, I couldn't help but admire how handsome he was. He was in a white tee that had the blink 182 symbol on it, black skinny jeans that made his legs look longer than they were, and his hair was styled into a quiff again. How was it even possible that a guy could be this sweet, and look this good? I didn't even care, he was my boyfriend now, and I love everything about him.

We pulled up to a huge flower field. Luke held my hand as we walked down a path that had been cut. "What are we doing here?" I asked.

"You'll see soon enough." He looked back at me and gave me a wink. We continued to walk, but then the straight, flat path... became a hill, a hill to a mountain. I was starting to get tired. "Luke, I need to rest... just for like thr-" my words stopped as I became amazed at the view. We were on top of a mountain, there was blanket with a picnic basket sitting on it. I couldn't drop my stare, the view was perfect, and to share it with Luke was even more incredible.

I looked over at Luke with a huge smile plastered on my face. "Luke! This is beautiful."

"It's even more beautiful, now that you're here." He said as we sat down, he held my hand. I started to blush. I knew that he wanted a kiss, I was too excited for it to just be a peck. So I pushed him back onto the grass and smothered his face with kisses. He kept laughing. His laugh is so Damn cute!

We sat up, Luke opened the basket. There was pizza, sprite, water, Oreos, and even a present that I wasn't allowed to see until later. "Luke, you might have had girlfriends in your past, but I don't think that they ever told you that you're the best one, in the entire universe." I smiled as I hugged him tightly. I told Luke all of the things that I liked the night that we walked everywhere. I just can't believe that he remembered.

"Well thank you Paisley, but I don't ever think of myself as a great boyfriend. I always feel like, whatever I do next will either embarrass me, or make me look stupid." He looked down at the ground as he took another bite of his pizza.

"Luke," I put my hand on his knee. He looked up at me. "You will never look stupid. You're too incredible, you can sing, you're funny, you're a very interesting guy, you got me to start dating you in one day." I giggled. He smiled.

"I love you Paisley." He said as he leaned in closer to me.

"I love you too Luke." I leaned in with him. We made out, we both had pizza breath... but I don't think that either of us cared.

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