-Chapter 19-

19 1 3

All I could do was cry. Why do I have to leave Luke? Why can't I just stay here and live with him for the rest of my life?

Luke was crying with me. My summer was too short, and this was the only man (besides my father) that I have ever loved. I looked all around the room for my suitcases, if I missed my flight my father would come up here, kill Luke, get me, and then ground me for the rest of my miserable life without Luke.

"Where the hell are my suitcases?!" I panicked as I choked on tears.

Luke shrugged, "I have no idea where they are? Or where they could be?"

Ok, that sounded extremely suspicious.

"Luke?" I asked in a stern but joking voice. "Get up." I smiled as I attempted to pull him off of the couch, but immediately failed.

"NO! YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM!" He said as he crawled underneath my bed like a cockroach. I just laughed, "Get the hell away from my bed, and give them to me!" I said as I grabbed his long legs that were sticking out. I pulled him out along with my suitcase.

"Thank you!" I smiled as I grabbed it, but it didn't come with me; I was yanked back. Luke was holding ny suitcase the exact same way he gets when he wants to be stingy with Calum.

"Luke! Drop it now!" I seriously demanded him. He made a pouty face and shook his head. "If you don't let go you'll step on a Lego as soon as you get home." I laughed.

He gasped at my Lego comment, "Take that back and NEVER say that again!" He grinned.

I laughed, "Let go and I will."

We had a stare down for two minutes, "Fine!" He let go, "But I better get lots of kisses before you go." He got up, gave me a hug.

"Don't worry." I smiled and hugged him back, "You'll be the first and the last one I hug." I reassured him.

Luke helped me gather the last of my things, we had extra time to spare so we laid on the couch and cuddled before it was time to go.

"Guys! We gotta go!" Calum said very urgently.

Luke and I sat up, "What's Wrong?"

"Ashton and Michael just got in a car accident!" He started to look for his keys. Luke and I jumped off of the couch to help him, once we got them we drove to their destination.

We'd been driving for at least five minutes until I saw the car. It was pretty bad. I wanted to start crying, but as soon as I saw them both I became relieved. It didn't make me feel any better.

"Are y'all okay?!" I asked as I ushered over to them.

They both smiled, "Yah, every musician has to at least be in a car accident." They both laughed, I didn't know why they were laughing, they could've been killed.

"The ambulance is gonna take us to the hospital for xrays, because I'm not able to bend my arm without it hurting." Ashton said.

"And I can't wall without my leg hurting." Mikey said.

This was not good! I had to stay with them to make sure they were gonna be ok. But I also didn't want to miss my flight and my dad be mad.

I chose... My Friends. They were more important to me than college was. "Guys, the ambulance will charge you for one ride to the hospital, just let me take you." I smiled.

"But, what about your flight?" Ashton said.

"Y'all are more important to me." I grinned.

Ashton and I helped Mikey over to the car. We got him in, and they buckled up. Calum drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

I sat in the front with Calum, Luke was next to Michael, and Ashton was in the back. Poor Ash.

We made it to the hospital. They got them in the back, and did their xrays. I was praying that they didn't break anything.

The doctor came out to us three know what happened. Ashtons arm was gonna be ok, he just spranged it pretty bad, he had to stay off of the drums for a while. As for Mikey, his kneecap had popped out of place, then popped itself back in. He would be ok, but he had to do a couple weeks of physical therapy.

It was now 10:45am. I still had fifteen minutes to get there, I could make it. But I didn't want too. Until...

My phone started to ring.

Daddy: Calling

I stood up and walked into the bathroom to take my call.
"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey sweetie." I heard my dad's cheerful voice through my phone. "Have you boarded the plane yet?"

"Well, no." I spoke quietly I was afraid to get in trouble.

"What? Why not?" He asked concerned.

I took a deep breath and as I spoke I let it out, "My two friends Ashton ans Michael got into a car accident, and I'm at the hospital with them."

"Were you in the car?!"

"No sir." I reassured him.

He sighed of relief. I didn't mean to scare him. "Well, you still have about-" I could hear him checking the time through the phone. "Fourteen minutes."

I sighed. "Daddy? I don't think that I want to come home." I said probably giving him a heart attack.

"Oh God! Are you pregnant Pais?" He asked me.

"NO! Hell No!" I laughed.

"Then why don't you wanna come home?" He asked in his protective daddy voice. Hes always done that, even after My mom died it got worse.

"Um, I just uh... I really like it up here." I giggled.

"A boy?" He sighed.

I was shocked to see he got it right, "No?" I said suspiciously. "A guy." We both laughed.

"Well, that's fine Paisley, but that ticket was a lot of money. Maybe in a couple of months he can visit you at the college university." He said.

His words made my blood boil, I hated the word 'College' especially when Luke was mentioned in the sentence.

I sighed, "ok, fine daddy. I'll go to the airport right now. But I gotta go so I can get there in Time. Love you bye." I hung up quickly, and rushed out to Luke. "Luke! I have to go to the airport right now." I made him stand up and take me out to the car.

"Pais?! What's Wrong?" He asked me as soon as we got outside.

I just grabbed his face and pulled it towards mine. "I love you Luke." Tears started to fall. I couldn't bear this pain anymore. "But we have to go." I said as I jumped in the car.

He got in the driver's seat and rushed me to the airport.



Ahhhhh!!!!! Why do I continue to write this book!?!?! I can't even handle it!! If you don't believe me... the struggle is real!

Anyways, you people better keep voting! I love you all so much!

Thanks for all of the love! Cliff hanger! *Evil Laugh*

(BTW) don't you guys hate it when you try to be friends with people, but They ignore you completely? Ugh! Comment how you guys feel about that. I'm here for y'all, if y'all wanna talk about it.



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