-Chapter 5-

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I had never been so scared in my life. "LUKE!" I screamed. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I felt something wet, you would think it would be water, but after you hit your head on a cabinet door, in the dark you know it's blood.

He ran into the kitchen, the lights wouldn't turn on; the lighting must've cut all of the power out. "Oh God!" Luke says trying to stay calm, but isn't doing a very good job. "Don't worry, I've got you." He said as he helped me off of the ground and carried me out to the car. He drove as fast as he could until we got to the hospital, we went through the emergency doors.

***Luke's Pov***

Paisley held her head as I drove as fast as I could, until we reached the hospital. We went through the emergency doors, I had to clear my pockets as they rushed her to the back in a wheel chair.

After I got all of my stuff back, I had to check in. I had to put why we were here, how old she was, where she's from, stupid info. They just needed to get her taken care of. I filled it out extremely fast, they said I could back with her. One of the nurses escorted me back there.

She was loaded on pain meds, her face was droopy, but she tried to smile. I couldn't contain the tears, I knew that she would be ok, it's just that it's really terrifying. The doctor was giving her stitches. She had to get seven stitches.

She fell asleep after he finished. The doctor said that she would have to stay for at least five hours just to make sure that she was ok. I didn't want to wake her, but I had to tell her where I was going, so I whispered "I'll be right back, I'm going to get some things for you." And just in case she didn't hear me, I wrote it on a piece of paper for her.

I didn't want her to be alone, so I asked a nurse if she would sit in there with her, the nurse didn't mind. Thank God.

I grabbed my black coat, and a bought a black umbrella from the gift shop. It was raining, and I had to get some stuff for her.

***Paisley's Pov***

I woke up, with the words "I'll be right back, I'm going to get some things for you." Stuck in my head. I looked over and saw a nurse sitting in a chair, playing on an iPad.

"Um, where am I?" I asked as I looked around.

She stood up and came over to check on me, "You're in the hospital, you had to get seven stitches. You busted your head open."

It all came back to me, I felt my head, it barely hurt when I touched it, I must've been on pain medication. "Do you know what happened?" She asked me.

"I think so?" I said as I blankly stared at the wall. "The power shut off as soon as I plugged in my phone. It was raining, and lighting was going off. I got up to get something to drink, it was so dark, then I remember walking into the kitchen and hitting my head on the higher cabinet that was left open last night." I got goosebumps from the feeling that I remembered.

"I'm sorry." She said as she checked all of the monitors. "But you should be able to go home in a while." She smiled.

"Where's my boyfriend?" I asked as I searched the room, just now noticing that he was gone.

"He left you a note." She said as she handed me a piece of paper with Luke's handwriting. It said 'I'll be right back, I'm going to get some things for you. ~Luke'

I smiled, he cared about me so much. "I love him" I smiled and said under my breath.

Later Luke showed up with flowers, balloons, and a get well soon card. So cute!

He came and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "How are you feeling love?" He asked me.

"I'm doing better now that you're here." I grinned and gave him another kiss. He set the flowers and balloons on the counter, he game me the card, I opened it and it said 'hope that you get well soon, because your smile is what makes life worth living. ~Luke'

"Awwww!!! Baby!! I love it! I love you." I gave him so many kisses.

"We're only gonna be here for five more hours." He smiled.

"Great!" I laughed. I scooted over and Luke laid in the bed next to me, he was so cute. He wrapped his arms around me, and we waited for five hours till it was time to go home.


Hey guys, sorry this one was pretty short, I just wanted to get this one done with, it's about to get WAYYYYYY better!...Well I think so, and I hope that you all agree!

Love you all! Keep reading and remember to Live Life Lovely.



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