Chapter 30

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 This chapter is dedicated to Miisaki!!! An awesome writer!!!! I strongly reccomend you check out To Kiss a King!!! It's SPELLBOUNDINGLY AMAZING!!!! It's a historical romance, but you won't even care if you're a modernised reader, because by then you'll be so pulled into the PLOT, that you can't stop reading! She has a sequel OUT too! TRUST ME, GIVE IT A CHANCE, YOU DEFINITELY WON'T REGRET IT!!!!

The five day wait of THE GOD OF GALLAGHER HIGH IS  worth it!!! =D

Remember to vote!!!!!I'd also like to thank everyone for becoming my fan!!!! I don't have the time to thank each and everyone of you personally, but thank you!!!! 

The first thing I saw; literally made me want to go back into my coma.

Yes, it was the bloody sun, and no it was not my sarcasm talking.

I was indeed talking about that nice, big and fiery ball of gas in the sky!

Huh, the sun sneered, and started beaming at me mercilessly; nearly burning my pupils in the process. Ripping my eyes away from the light, I felt like I had been sleeping for a century.

I glanced down at the boy who was sleeping peacefully beside me; his fingers were tightly entwined with mine. A moss of golden curls graced his flawless face, and his eyelashes curved like the rod of a curling iron. Leo slept soundly, not knowing that while he did, my mental examination was taking place, and soon my eyes drifted to his nose.

 I don’t think I could ever get over how straight it was; that bone structure was made to become a plastic surgeon’s muse. My sight then glided over his lips, how utterly pink and inviting, I thought before I could even register what I was thinking.

Immediately, I tossed that bag of inappropriate feelings aside.

No, brain. I will not, I repeat myself; I will not fantasize about kissing him right now! You hear me?

A dreadful feeling swarmed its way inside my body, and then I suddenly remembered what had happened before I fainted. Oh dear lord, I had stolen a kiss from Leo Gallagher!  

I touched my mouth in mortification, I had done it the spur of a moment, but in that particular situation, I mean what I did was acceptable, given the circumstances, right? My conscience nodded along with me.

It was easy enough to agree with myself, but how could I get him to overlook this whole fiasco calmly? Leo let out a yawn, and I squeezed my eyes shut, pretending I was still in a comatose.

I felt his eyes bore into my skull, scorching two uncomfortable holes on my face. Even though I had closed my eyes, I could still feel his stare penetrating into me, and those lasers never left my face, for what felt like an eternity! “Can you quit staring at me, you’re creeping me out.” I finally voiced out in annoyance.

I opened my eyes and saw Leo sitting there in shock; “you’re awake?” He murmured in complete astonishment.

“No, I’m just sleep talking.” I snapped in response.

He didn’t say anything, but in a matter of seconds, I was squeezed to his chest, in a hold so strong, that it nearly choked the air out of me. “Thank god!” He breathed happily.

I sniffed the faint strawberry scent that was always on him, and knowing it wasn’t perfume, I voiced my curiosity. “Why do you always smell like strawberries?”

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