Chapter 4- [The evening dinner and a burnt breakfast]

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I cannot believe we are in Texas. Dallas international airport, of Texas at that.

Us three walking toward the exit zone their was so many people with luggage and it was so busy. When we walked toward the area where the cars come for you, there is only one car that stands out. Its way different than the Mercedes-Benz, camaros, Lamborghinis, and the BMW's.

My grandpa bills brown station wagon. Walking up to him he had a huge smile on his face. "Hey grandpa." Chase runs to him. They hug tightly and let's go so Chase fills the trunk with our things. Next to hug him was Savanna. They met for a while and then she helped Chase.

"There's my favorite grand daughter." He opens his arms. I smiled and sit my bag onto the concrete then ran into my grandpa's arms as if I were 5 at Christmas time. "I'm your only grand daughter at that." I spoke, and at that he hugged me tighter.

"So you guys hungry?" He let go of me. We nodded and all packed into the car, me plopping in the front seat.

We went out to an old country fried chicken place on a long dirt road in the middle of nowhere. It was actually cute. After we ordered our food we sat outside, where some handsome country boys were playing around.

"What you been up to?" Grandpa asked us. I sat beside him at the table while savanna, and Chase sat close to each other on the other side. Now, I promised my mom that they won't be too lovely dovey on this trip. So I have to watch them like an eagle the whole summer. As we talked deeply about old memories we got interrupted by a hot guy.

"Hey there, Mr. Bill." The boy spoke his fine strong country accent. He had the perfect body. "Well how do you do, Nathan. What brings you here?" Bill asked. The guy smiled, looked at me then tilted his hat. I blushed, smiled at him then looked down at the table.

"Well I'm here with some friends. I see you have a couple of guest with you." He looked over at Chase and Savanna.

"Yes. These are my grandkids, and his girlfriend. This is Chase and Savanna." Grandpa Bill pointed. "And what's your name beautiful?" he asked me.

"I-I'm Kaylee. His grand daughter." I smiled and shook his hand. We stared at each other for a while still shaking hands then we let go softly.

"Alrighty. Well I guess I will see you at the farm in the morning Mr. Bill." He said loudly almost making me jump.

"Yes you will." Grandpa nodded. "I'll see you in the morning Kaylee," He looked down at me. "You people have a great afternoon." He told us before walking off.

After we are, we headed home.

*later that night*

Me and Savanna were both in the bathroom brushing our teeth after showering. Not together or anything. But we were in our pajamas. "That guy from earlier.... At the place we ate at. I seen you guys having a moment." She announced.

"Wha-What. That's not.. True." I nudged her. She knew I was lying. "Well, whatever you guys were having something. It was some tension between you two." Savanna told me her toothbrush hanging on the side of her mouth.

*The next Morning*

I woke up to the sound of loud singing and someone chopping wood. Its also smelled really good. Like someone was cooking breakfast. Proabably my grandpa Bill making us a home breakfast for our first day here. I looked over on the other side of the room to savanna still sleeping. The current room we were in was my mom and her sisters bedroom they grew up in. It was two beds on each side against the wall, with their own closets, and dresser.

Walking dowstairs the singing got louder in my ears. As I went into the kitchen it was the country boy we seen yesterday. I can't even remember his name. He was chopping wood, making beautiful eggs, pancakes, and sausage on the oven, and listening to music from his ear phones while singing out the song, 'shes country' which I noticed was by Jason Aldean. He wore a plain white t-shirt with the sleeves cut off showing his define muscles, Jean cut pants, and rusty old boots.

I laughed at him. "Hi." I spoke. He still didn't hear me. "HEY!" I yelled with a smile as he turned really fast dropping the mini axe he was chopping with. At that moment he took out his earphone and smiled at me. "Hey." he said clearly wiping his hands on his pants. "What... are you doing?" I asked curious pointing at the chopped wood.

He looked around then back at me, "Cooking, and trying to fix this sink leak for your grandpa. He can't bend over very much." He pointed down to the inside cabinet.

I seen the eggs frying a lot of smoke from behind him. "Your eggs are burning." I pointed and started to laugh. His reaction was to quick. A fire started on the stove as he got a bowl of water. Then the rest of the breakfast caught on fire. I ran over to the sink and grabbed a dry dish rag hitting the fire with it trying to put it out.

Once it was over we looked at each other. "So much for a first breakfast in Texas." I started to laugh only to be joined by him. At that moment savanna and Chase walked into the kitchen then sat at the table.

"Smells.... Burnt." Chase sniffed. That made me laugh even harder. "Looks like we won't be having a good breakfast." Savanna added. "Y'all wanna head to crakle barrel. Its right down the road." The boy suggested who burnt eggs suggested.

Grandpa walked into the kitchen through the back patio door. "Nathan, there you are. Looks like you burnt breakfast. Kaylee, honey. How was your sleep?" Grandpa put his arm around me and kissed my forehead as if I were 5 again.

Nathan. That's his name.

"It was okay Grandpa." I smiled. He then turned to chase and Savanna talking to them and making them laugh.

"Hey, well grandpa we were gonna go to crackle barrel since well, Nathan here, burnt the breakfast. You wanna come?" I put my hand on his back walking from behind him.

"I'm sorry kids, but I have more work to do. How about Nathan show you guys around the town afterwards." He suggested walking to the back door. "You sure Mr. Bill. I mean, there's still a lot of work to be done?" Nathan asked worried. I like that he cares. Grandpa nodded, "I'll be fine. Alright, later gators." he yelled before walking out. We smiled and went upstairs to get ready.

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