Chapter 9- [Finding Out]

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A week after coming back from home my parents showed up from Hawaii. That's just great.

Also in the past week, I have been puking like crazy. School starts in less than a month and I hope this stops, because it's really hurting me. I feel sore every time I do puke. And I think that I can't be pregnant because the night me and Nathan had sex we used a condom. I do remember that.

Am I sick?

It was a Thursday morning and I had just got out of the shower and now drying my damp hair after pulling on some shorts and a t-shirt.

Me and my mom was having a girls day out. It'll be the first time in 3 months of us actually haing out.

We took her charger and headed to the outlet outside of town. After hours of shopping and getting fabulous summer clothes, we sat down outside at a frozen yogurt place near the outlet eating ice cream.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I asked after taking a spoonful of ice cream.

"Sure honey." She smiled looking up from her phone. "Well, every since we, you know, got back from Texas. I've been puking like crazy. At one point I think I'm sick, then it's like, I don't think I'm sick. Have you ever had feelings like this? Or this ever happened to you?" I scruched my eyebrows.

She looked at me worried, "Well the last time I had those symptoms, was when I was pregnant with you, honey." She spoke kind of slowly. It gave me a feeling of that night with Nathan.

"Your not pregnant are you?" She looked down at me. "What? No.... Well, I mean, I did have sex with this one guy down in Texas." I spilled.

"What? Kaylee! Well, did you use a condom." She basically yelled. Here she is acting like gramps and Savanna.

"Yes mom. I really like this guy. I more than like him. He made me feel happy. Josh didn't do that. His name is Nathan. And how could I be pregnant if I used a condom?" I shook it off not even thinking and taking another spoonful of ice cream.

"Umm, has a whole in the condom or it maybe busted come to mind." She tried to ask me, but it ended as a statement. I thought.

"Oh god I'm so dumb. Oh my God! Mom I am so sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking. What if I am pregnant? What will I do mama." I started crying. That was the first time I had ever called her mama since I was like 5.

She ran over and hugged me holding me close. "Its okay honey. I'm here for you. We don't know if it's true okay. Lets just go to the hospital to find out. Its okay honey." She cried with me.

And we left our ice cream on the table then headed to the hospital.

Walking in we headed toward the pediatric area of the huge place, I felt all eyes on me for some reason.

My palms were sweaty, and my face was pale. I'm to young to be pregnant. Well, yeah, this is my senior year, when school starts, but I'm barely 18. I'm learning how to be responsible for myself, and if I am pregnant then that means I'll have to take a huge step to being responsible. Its like I went from baby steps to, enourmous steps.

"Kaylee Thompson." An older women in a pink nurse uniform called my name. I hadn't even known I had signed in. I looked over at mom who slightly nodded to me.

We both got up and followed the nurse into a room.

30 minutes later

"Kaylee.... Your pregnant." My now personal doctor told me as I sat on the bed. I parted my lips in shock.

"Um, no. How-WHAT! How did this happen? I did what I was supposed to do in order to not be pregnant! I used a condom! What? You have to be lying to me?!" I yelled at my doctor almost wanting to choke him up by his jacket collar.

"I'm so sorry Kaylee I don't lie to my patients. Especially a 17 year old, but there could have been a misfuctional problem that happened to the condom between the two of you that night. The condom must have popped or had a whole, and you never knew." He explained as I sat there in awe.

This can't be happening. "So what do we do?" My mom asked the doctor as she rubbed my back as I slowly cried.

"The best thing to do is, try not to stress because it's good for the baby, eat healthy, and if you still know the father... I think it'll be better if he knows. Hair be careful lately. Your next appointment will be in 2 weeks. I would love to see how you are doing." He wrote on a paper and handed it to me.

When he left I lost it. I bawled for hours that day. When headed home I cried my eyes out.

Now about this time it was about 8:00 and mom had called me and Chase down for dinner. I forced myself out of bed and and walked down the stairs. My brother and dad doesn't know yet, but I was planning to tell them sooner or later. My mom suggest it would be best if I told them tonight at dinner.

Plopping down the stairs, I wiped my face and walked into the dinning room sitting in my usual spot.

"So, boys... How was your day?" Mom asked them placing the salad in the middle of the table. Dad looked over at Chase with a smile before diging into his steak. "Well, while you two were shopping or whatever girls do these days.. Me and my son went fishing." Dad spoke.

Me and mom laughed which kind of got the baby off of my mind. "Fish-Fishing? You've never been fishing. And honey, you hate the outdoors. How did that come about?" Mom laughed hard at dad. He chewed his steak and slowly laughed. At this moment I thought that these good moments with my family can be ruined. This is a big deal. Now, I'm actually seeing that, this is not right.

All of a sudden my thoughts went crazy causing me to block everything my family was joking around and talking about, which made me stop laughing.

I put down my butter knife I had not used yet and slowly started crying again.

"I'm pregnant." I interrupted my dad in the middle of a sentence. I couldn't hold back any longer. It was eating me up. I hate keeping secrets. Everyone including mom dropped their silver wear, then all eyes on me.

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