Chapter 17- ["I'm scared."]

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While driving through the dark street we seen a girl around my age. As we passed her slowly I studied her face. It was Miracle!

She was shivering and the jacket she had on wasn't helping.

"Nathan! Stop the truck!" I yelled with my hand on the door handle. He immediately stopped with a jerk in the truck. I quickly grabbed his jacket and hopped out of the truck throwing the jacket over my head.

"Kaylee. Dang it." He yelled and I heard his door open. Soon he was running, coming after me. I took my time walking because I didn't want to slide. I got closer to her. "Miracle?" I said as I seen that she was crying. Nathan was finally beside us.

"Where are you going?" I asked her. She didn't say anything, just stood there in shock. I wrapped the coat around her and pulled her to the back seat of the car. I put her in and wrapped a seat belt around her, then closed the door.

Nathan was standing there, "Lets go." I said hopping in the front seat. He hurriedly entered the drivers side and turned the heat up.

I turned to the back to see Miracle and she was now spreaded out across the back seat. I reached back and shook her softly.

"Miracle," I said and she still didn't answer. I got really worried. At that moment I climbed to the back while Nathan was still driving, and checked her pulse. At first I thought she didn't have one, but then it came really slow. We had to do something.

"We have to take her to the hospital." I turned around and told Nathan.

"Why- What happened?"

"I don't know. Her pulse is really slow, and she's still freezing. And I see... her arms are swelling up." I said pulling her jacket back to see her skin. I've learned this in health class my freshman, and sophomore year.

"Okay," Was all he said with a sigh, and we change directions heading to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

It was crazy in the hospital. Once we made it, they right then took her to the back through the double doors.

Me and Nathan sat in the waiting room area which was for once quiet. It was only us and another family on the other side. People just kept showing up, then leaving.

I'm really scared. Miracle was looked like she was hurting really bad. I just hope she'll be okay. Just in case, we are just going to stay here because we haven't seen any of her family yet, I hope they come.

*2 hours later*

"Uh... Kaylee Thompson?" I heard my name from a distance making me flutter my eyes open from laying on Nathan's lap.

I softly got up and looked up at the doctor. "Ah, Kaylee. Miracle said you were a friend of hers. Is that correct?" She asked me. I instantly nodded.

"Okay. Well if your worried of what happened to Miracle, She was suffering from frostbite, which caused the slow pulse and coldness of skin-"

"But.. How could she get frostbite when it Wasn't that cold at the time." I asked concerned.

"She must have been walking through the cold for hours. But all I know now, is that she is perfectly fine. When her pulse was back to normal, she specifically asked for you. If it wasn't for you bringing her in.. It could have been worse." The doctor said bringing her clipboard to her eyes. I hugged Nathan with happy tears.

"Can we see her?" I asked before she walked off. She nodded and lead us to the room. When I walked in, it was the sound of Sponge Bobs voice ringing in my ears.

There Miracle was eating chips and laughing. She looked like nothing even happened to her. She looked happy.

"Hey." I popped fully into the room with a smile.

She looked up and her eyes got bigger, "Kaylee!" She got out the bed and hugged me like a little kid would do.

I laughed and hugged her back, "I'm so glad your okay." I said as she laid back in bed. She smiled at me.

"Me too." she said continuing watching tv. I knew she wanted to tell me something in person, but she just didn't want to speak. Like she was scared to talk around with Nathan in here.

I looked back at him, "Nathan can we have a minute?" I said taking his hand.

"Okay. I'll be right outside if you need anything." He kissed my forehead and then walked out closing the door behind him.

I sat I'min the chair next to the bed. "Miracle what were you doing walking outside at 11 at night?" I asked her. She was quiet keeping her focus on the tv. Almost trying to ignore that question.

"Miracle." I said softly in a groggy voice. She still sat there. I needed her to tell me. That's when I knew something is up. Suddenly I got fed up, and I stood hovering over her bed, "MIRACLE ANSWER ME." I literally yelled at her.

She turned to me and I could see she was hurt. "I was coming from my boyfriend's house. Well, my ex-boyfriend now," She fake smiled, "We kind of got into a small fight about something really crazy, and then he started yelling things to me how I didn't give our relationship 100%, or why I didn't call him and I got so mad because those things wasn't true. He was just talking nonsense basically. So when I grabbed my jacket to leave he came over and firmly grabbed my wrist really hard so I couldn't get out of his grip," She was now crying.

"I was crying for help, but there was no one else around. He threw me down and started kicking me hurting me even more."

"Had he ever hurt you like that?" I asked shocked.

She nodded her head slowly.

"For Christ sakes Miracle, why haven't you told anyone about this?" I said trying to stay calm for her sake.

"I was scared!" She said sitting up in the bed. I sighed.

"Miracle you have to tell-"


"But why?!" I said back to her.

"Because I'm pregnant with his baby, and I don't want to leave him Kaylee."

I stood there in shock wrapping my mind around the words she just said. Miracles pregnant. I'm pregnant. Her baby daddy is a jerk to her, but she loves him so much she doesn't want to leave him. What is she going to do? She can't keep letting this get in the way from having this baby. She can't live in a life where she isn't happy. There has to be something I can do to help her! Help her and the baby, because I know if my baby was going through this with me I would have to make a final decision. She has got to make this final or either it's going to tear her apart.

Shocking! Who knew. Now for the next chapter.. Can't wait huh?? Love you guys and thanks for getting me some reads!! I feel special. And you guys ARE special!

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