Chapter 10

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"HOW COULD YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE?" My dad yelled at me. Its been going on like this for an hour now. Every since I told him and Chase I was pregnant at dinner, it's been crazy. Moms been sitting in the corner crying and trying to calm us down, while Chase is trying to hold dad back from hurting me.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! WHY ARE YOU YELLING?" I yelled back. He was about to say something. At this time his face was red and his hands were bawled up into a fist.

Before I got to say anything, dad pushed Chase against the wall and slapped me with all his might. It stung really bad, that it made tears prick my eyes. I fell to the floor and cried. Mom screamed and rushed to my side.

"How could you?" Mom whispered yelled looking up at him. He now looked worried, "Kay-Kaylee I'm so sorry." He walked toward me.

"Don't TOUCH ME!" I got really mad almost wanting to hurt him.

He stomped up the stairs like a little kid. What's his problem? He's never acted like this.

"Kaylee, are you okay?" Mom cupped my face.

I turned to her wiping my tears, "How could you let him hit me?" I asked her. She looked so guilty. Her face was priceless.

Chase was standing quietly in the corner. "I'm leaving." I told them and ran up to my room, packing as many clothes and shoes in my bag as fast as I could. Putting a picture of my family in my bag, only made me want to cry more. I'm just gonna leave it here.

Throwing it on the ground, I let out a loud cry and sat on the floor, before beginning packing.

Grabbing my phone and charger, along with my wallet I hid in my closet around a 5,000 dollar check just got emergency, which in this case, it is.

I turned off my light and slammed my door walking to Chase's room. I'm not mad at my little brother. What did he do?

I walked in and sat on the bed next to him pulling him into a hug as he soaked in what just happened.

"Where are you going?" He whispered. I hadn't really thought about it.

"Well, I don't know Chase. But I will come back. I love you... So much. Never give up." I kissed his forehead.

"I love you too Kaylee. Be safe please." He let me go.

And after saying that I headed out of the house, and cried in my car. Pulling away from my home, I thought about all I'm leaving behind. Memories, first timers. I had my first kiss in that house.

It happened on a Friday night after the football game and I was throwing a party. My parents were out on a business trip and I was wanting to have fun. That night I met Josh and we got it off pretty good. Plenty of times that night, we would ask me if I'd wanted to go into my bedroom with him. I only knew he wanted to have sex with me. But that was the best night of my life. Keeping it clean and having the captain of the football team wanting me as his girlfriend.

I heard a car horn blow from behind me, making my memories fade away, like water swaying along the sand. Just like that they were gone, but never forgotten.

I hadn't even noticed I was sitting in my jeep at a stop sign. I wiped my tears and headed over to a hotel. Any hotel far from here, because at this moment I didn't care. Now, I didn't have any friends at the moment, and Savanna was in London with her family.

Dropping my keys on the table and my bag on the floor I suddenly laid on my bed and into a deep sleep on the comfortable hotel bed. It's been a long day.

I woke up to my stomach twisting, telling me to toss my dinner into the toilet.

As I'm throwing my contents up, I think what my dad asked me. How could you be so IRRESPONSIBLE?

It hurt me so bad to even think about it. At that point he probably thought that His daughter wasn't raised right. Guess who raised her? Him.

I got interrupted by a phone call. I walked into the room with the bed and tv, where my phone was in my purse, I got it out and answered it. It was my grandpa.

"Hello?" I said running my hand through my hair.

"Hey honey. How's back home treating you?" He said so happy. It only made me want to cry more, but I held back my tears.

"It-its pretty good." My voice cracked. He sighed, "Now, Kaylee I can tell when your not happy." He said as if he were in the room. Its true. He could always have told me what mood I'm in. And mainly its happy. But today, I just feel so guilty.

"You know me well, don't you grandpa." I said with a laugh cry. "Awww come on. Your just like your grandma." He said which only made me cry harder.

"Now, what's wrong Kaylee?" His voice seemed down. This is why I really wish I was in Texas. So I could be there with my grandpa. He and Chase are like the only people I can actually relate with. My mom was just a best friend. Yeah, she's a great mom, but sometimes I'm nervous to tell her things. Its just not the same as my talks with grandpa and Chase.

I told him that I was pregnant, and he had no judgment towards me, then I told him that dad slapped me, so I ran from home and is currently staying at a hotel.

"Awww, Kaylee. You must be so hurt." He showed a little sympathy. It was silent for a while.

"Listen here... If you don't have anywhere to stay then you can come stay down here with me in Texas. You could go to school, when it starts back and everything. We could change your mom's and aunts room into your own room and my man cave can be the baby's room. It could work out." He said.

"Grandpa that's sweet and all, but wouldn't you want your personal space?" I asked shocked. He sucked his teeth.

"Kaylee, since your grandma passed I didn't know what personal space meant. But I want you and that baby to come down here. I would have company, people to talk to. But under one, maybe two, conditions! " He cut to the chase.


"You have to tell your parents your moving down here, and you have to give Nathan the news about you having his baby." He said. When he said having his baby, I literally threw up in my mouth. This is going to be great. <-------------------------------------->

Hey biscuits!!... How are you liking the story? What do you think is gonna happened when she tells her parents shed moving to Texas? Will they like the idea? Will Chase like the idea? Lol..

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