Chapter 15- [Dinner Disaster]

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It was around 3 p.m. when I thought I needed to get ready for the dinner. Grandpa was taking a nap in his room so I thought to be extra quiet moving around the house.

After I got out of the shower I didn't know what to wear. Suddenly after lurking through my closet for about 15 minutes I finally settled my eyes on a perfect outfit I just through together (MM).

I added a little make up and slowly walked down the hall to grandpa's room. Knocking on the door, I held my hand on the knob and turned it.

"Grandpa?" I opened the door slightly and allowed myself in. He was snoring and it seemed like he was having trouble breathing.

I shook him a little and laughed as he woke right up. "Huh? Well, hey there kiddo. What you up to?" He cleared his eyes.

"Nothing grandpa. I came to tell you I'm about to head out. Going to meet Nathan's family."

He nodded and went back to sleep. I giggled and patted his back softly looking at him. "I'll see you later grandpa." I whispered getting up.

As soon as I walked downstairs I heard the door knock. Good thing I was right on time.

I grabbed my jacket and purse. "Hey beautiful." He kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back.

"Hey handsome. How are you?" I asked as we walked down the steps toward his truck.

"Never better. How are you and the baby?" He rubbed my belly from the drivers side. I turned to him and smiled. "Never better."

When we pulled up to his house I was filled with so many emotions. I was anxious, nervous, nauseous, and excited at the same time it's kind of hard to explain.

When we got out the car Nathan walked over, kissed my forehead, and grabbed my hand. "You ready?"

I nodded so nervously. My grip got tighter than ever as we got closer to the house. "Hey, baby, you'll be fine. Promise." He turned to me and pecked my lips. "O-Okay. Do I have something on face? Are you hot or is it just me-"

He laughed, "Kaylee, first of all we are outside and it's like eighty degrees out here. And second your beautiful. Stop being so nervous. Relax." He propped his hands on my shoulders. I nodded and started to breathe. "You ready?"

"Yeah. I'm ready." I said with a lump in my throat. He laughed at my nervousness and I followed behind him to the door being greeted by his mom I'm guessing.

"Oh- Kaylee! Oh god it's so great to finally see you. Wow, Nathan, she is beautiful just like you described her. Ah, come in." The woman said with a smile on her face the whole time. I'm already liking her. It wasn't long until Rain ran to me hugging my stomach. "Hello Rain." I smiled. She's so beautiful. "Hi, Kaylee. Can I show you my dolls now that your here! Please. Please. Please-"

"Rain honey, can you go in the kitchen and get your daddy." The woman kneeled down and kissed Rain. She ran out of sight.

"Sorry, excuse me for not saying my name. I'm Holly. Nathan's mom." She hugged me. "Nice to meet you." I smiled.

All of a sudden, I heard a couple of steps coming from the back. More than one person was walking toward us.

About five people came from the back along with Rain.

"Hello." They all said to me with bright smiles. I couldn't hold back a laugh. I'm just like that. "Hi family."

"Kaylee. This is my family. Here is my Uncle Rick, his wife, Rita and their 5 month son, baby Henry. This is my Granny, Penelope, but we call her granny P-"

"Honey, call me what ever you like." She smiled. I nodded and giggled.

"This is my other uncle, Bobby Charles, and last but not least my dad. Ryan Carter." Nathan said happy. His dad was large. A tall, well built, stalky kind of man. Maybe in his late 30's. No wonder Nathan's so tall. Every guy in this house is tall. Like I'm surrounded by trees. Even the baby Henry was big for his age.

"Wow... Its nice to meet you all." And with that I was hugging each and every one of them, talking to all of them before dinner came around.

The women finished cooking dinner around 7:30 and finally it was time to eat. We all gathered at the family table located in the dining room and stood and blessed the food and then sat.

While eating we were all talking and I'm starting to get used to this family. Hope nothing goes wrong.

"So.. You two had sex yet?" His uncle just blurted out. My cheeks grew red really fast. I nearly choked on my food. Nathan's mom elbowed him in his side.

"I'm so sorry Kaylee. Were just a straight forward family." She gave his uncle a scolded look.

Nathan just stared at his uncle with disbelief.

At that moment I had to throw up. So I got up really fast and ran to the bathroom puking the food out I just ate.

All of a sudden his aunt comes to the door frame. "Your pregnant aren't you?" She asked softly looking into the toilet. Oh god. His mom came around the corner with so much emotion on his face. "You are?" She asked. I nodded slowly and tears pricked at my eyes. Nathan asked me exactly not to tell. I'm so sorry.

His mom and aunt helped me up and pulled me into the dining room where the men sat.

I looked over at Nathan and he had a sorry look on his face. "I'm so sorry." I mouthed to him. He shook his head and walked over to me pulling me into a hug.

"You ladies-" his dad started.

"She's pregnant Ryan." His mom said pointing at me. His dad got up.

"Is this true?" He asked Nathan.

"Yes dad. She's pregnant. And it's my baby." Nathan defended.

His dad immediately got pissed off. "HOW COULD YOU GET A INNOCENT GIRL LIKE THIS, KNOCKED UP? HUH SON?" His dad yelled. It scared the heck out of me.

"Okay, listen dad. I know I made a mistake, but I promised her I would stay with her through all of this." Nathan now let go of me.

"HOW IS THIS A MISTAKE? SHE'S LIKE 17." He yelled pointing at me.

"You got mom PREGNANT at 16. How did y'all get so far? I wanna get far with my son or daughter. But I'm not letting her do this alone. Anything you have to say... Don't. Please." He said.

His mom came over to me and walked me out of the dining room and into the living room grabbing my coat and purse on the way. I could still hear them yelling.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered to her. She told me to 'shhh' And hugged me, telling me everything is gonna be okay. I need a mom like this right now.

Nathan walked in the room furious. "Calm down Nathan." His mom said. He was pacing back and forth talking to himself. I got pretty scared.

"NATHAN!" His mom yelled getting his attention.

"Please, take her home and make sure she's okay. Give your dad and you a while to calm down. Come back in the morning and we'll talk about it." His mom said calmly rubbing His back. He nodded and walked to me pulling me into a hug.

"Let's go." I whispered in his ear. I held his hand as we walked out of the house.

So much drama in that one huh? Just fight a bear, kill your arm by throwing apples or whatever until the next update. Remember I love you all And have a great day!!!

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