Chapter 21

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     Today is finally the baby shower and I am so excited! I put that bad dream aside and only thought about my day that I'm having today. I'm expecting about 35 people to attend.

I had just woke up and I went downstairs to find Nathan and Grandpa just coming in through the back. They looked suspicious while closing the door.

"Umm, hey..." I said walking over to them. Nathan came over and hugged me trying to change the subject.

"Hey baby. How are you?" He asked kissing my forehead. "I feel... Delighted." I smiled and then walked over to the cabinet to get a zebra cake. Then Nathan walked over and pulled it out of my hand laughing.

"Just 2 more months." He said. He's been making me eat healthy every since I got out of  the hospital. Its killing me. I need chocolate chip cookies now! Something sweet. Anything!

I gave him a slight smile and just looked at him getting the banana off of the island. "Thank you." He said putting the zebra cake in his mouth. Making me so jealous.

"Whatever." I said and walked back up the stairs to get ready for my day. Should I say me and my baby's day?

After I took a shower I wrapped in my robe and blow dried my hair, then straightened it, and put my hair in lots of little curls. That way it was thick and bright.

Once I was done I did my make-up. I put eyeliner on first, next was the eye shadow, and then I added mascara. I'm not wearing any base today so I just left it out.

A knock came to my room door as I was picking out what to wear. "Come in," I yelled. It was Savanna. She looked really cute in her jeans and white flannel with a black scarf.

"What's up?" I laughed as I seen a bright smile on her face.

"Hey Kaylee. You look so... Filled." She said plopping on my bed. I looked back at her. This smile could not be wiped off my face.

"I don't know why. I'm just really excited right now. Not excited, excited. I'm overly excited. And it's a great feeling." I said very hyper. She laughed and stood up.

"Well I just wanted to come and talk to you," She said walking to the door. "Is there.. Something wrong?" I smiled back at her as she turned to me. She hesitantly shook her head and smiled, "No. Everything is fine." She said. She looked kind of thrown off by whatever is bothering her. But it's really sweet she came in. I finally settled my eyes on the perfect outfit. It was a long peach beach dress, with a blue jean jacket and a white scarf.

I walked downstairs holding the side of my dress and everyone was all in the kitchen fooling around. I walked in and everyone looked at me then all gave me a hug.

"Awww, you look so beautiful." Mom said after releasing from me. I smiled, "Thank you mom."

We took a couple of pictures outside and loaded in Nathan's truck and grandpa's truck then we headed to the place where Miracles mom was having the baby shower being held.

I'm so happy right now I want even think straight!

             *Baby Shower*

When we pulled up at the house it was filled with so many cars. Many cars I hadn't even recognized.

We rode up on the driveway toward the houses entrance. The scenery was beautiful. There was white, pink, and blue balloons tied onto mini trees on each sides of the doorway entrance. It was so cute. If you guys didn't know...This is a gender reveal party. We haven't told anyone what we are having except for grandpa, and miracles mom, and also my mom. Only a few knows.

We walked up the few stairs and into the huge ballroom doors to see everyone enjoying their peers. Lots of talking and laughing going on.

Once I entered mostly everyone came up to me. Well, mostly everyone from my school.

A few minutes later mainly everyone went to do their own thing, so me and Nathan are walking around trying to find Miracle. We checked the bathrooms, the large patio, the deck, the kitchen and the dining room, but there was no sign of her. I walked towards the kitchen to see miracles mom.

"Mrs. Wright?" I said as she was directing the chefs. She quickly turned to me and smiled. "Oh. Hello dear." She hugged me. I hugged her back and started rocking. My feet are killing me. "Um, have you seen Miracle?" I asked.

"Yes. She was just in here an hour ago. She was telling me that, she was going to go get Bradley." She said checking on the food a chef brung her. What?

"Okay, can you tell me who Bradley is?" I said hopping that Bradley isn't her boyfriend.

"Bradley. Bradley Gunners. He's Miracles boyfriend." She said.

I wrapped my mind around what she just told me. Why is she going back to him? He beats her. Steadily! I can't let her go over there.

I walked out of the kitchen in shock, going to find Nathan so we could get out of here and go get Miracle. Even though I have no idea where she is.

We made it to the door, and right when I put my hand on the door handle to go out, Miracle came in with a smile and a tall guy around Nathan's height beside her. She looked happy.

"Kaylee!" She said and hugged me. I was surprised. She then turned around to the brunette guy in a plaid shirt and jeans to introduce us.

"Kaylee this is Bradley. Bradley this is Kaylee and Nathan. And their baby," She told him excited. It took a while for us to settle on his name. This is the dude that had beat Miracle?

I pulled her aside, "Miracle is this the guy who beat you?" I whispered and low key pointed at Bradley. She smiled, "No! I broke it with that dude a while back." She said. Everything all made since. If Miracles happy then I'm happy. So I guess I shouldn't worry much.

Okay, well I said the baby will be reveled in this chapter, but it's next chapter. In the meantime do whatever and I love my readers so stay tuned in for the next chapter. And my next book you will love. Its kind of different but you should check it out. It'll be here around thanksgiving! Love you guys.

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