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Boulder, Colorado


“But, Uncle Dexter? I don’t wanna stay here.” Sally whined, unable to convince her less than law-abiding relative that she wanted to go back to Charleston.

“Sorry, Sally. I know you are mourning and missing your family. I’ll only be gone a few days. Bill Mulholland said he’ll take good care of you. You also get experience working as a maid.”

She sobbed into her pillow. “But ..? I don’t wanna be a hotel maid. I was going to finishing school in the fall. I already have a beau. Pappa saw to my future.”

“I know he did, but he didn’t tell you that your money for your future was lost; taken in a bank robbery. I’m so sorry little lady. I’ll be back.” She didn’t believe Uncle Dexter. He seemed to be hiding something.

He wasn’t her real uncle, after all, but a close friend of her father’s from his University days, or so he claimed. He appeared just before the mysterious accident that claimed her father’s life. Her mother had died when she was very young. This left Sally on a train bound for Kansas City with Uncle Dexter. Now they were in Colorado and she was stuck there with no way to make a living. Maybe a maid wouldn’t be such a bad job, though not what she wanted. She knew she’d have to learn some sort of trade until she’d made enough money to get back to her Aunt Martha.

“Fine, but can’t I stay with someone a little less scary? I don’t like the way he looks at me! He acts like he’s going to do something,” she gulped, “inappropriate to me. He even cornered me this morning, trying to kiss me. Please, don’t make me stay here. Please… take me with you.”

“I can’t. This is a business meeting. No young women allowed.”

“I can stay in your room and wait. I promise I won’t make a sound. No trouble out of me!”

“Sorry, beautiful girl. Not this time.” She sniffed, catching a tear as he walked out of the hotel room with his suitcase. She sat on her bed and cried.

Two hours later

A knock on her door startled her awake. “Who … Who is it?”

“It’s Mr. Mulholland. I wanted to check on you, child. Can you let me in?”

“No. I’m fine. Just leave me alone.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, dearie. Let me in and I’ll explain.”

“Okay.” She sniffed again. She stood and smoothed the wrinkles out of her dress and pat down her hair. She hesitantly opened the door.

“I’m afraid your uncle didn’t leave enough money to see to your care.” He announced without any pretense as he pushed his way into the tiny room.

“He said I could work as a … a hotel maid to help earn my keep.” She stammered, afraid of what he was going to say, or do, next. She tried to stop it, but she couldn’t help the tears pooling in her eyes, threatening to spill out. Her emotions always betrayed her.

“Come here. Lemme give you a hug.” She didn’t want to, but Mr. Mulholland didn’t give her much of a choice. “There. See? Better already.” His hands began wandering to parts she knew he shouldn’t touch.

“No, Mr. Mul…Mulholland. No. I’m a proper lady. Leave me alone.” She tried to sound firm, but it came out as strong as a newborn kitten’s meow.

“Don’t worry, Sally, girl. Mr. Bill will take good care of you. I have a different job lined up for you. All you have to do is say yes.” He cooed.

“I … don’t want … a … different job.” She couldn’t stand the feel of his hands on her body, and she was afraid of what he was about to do to her.

He looked at her face. “Yes; a much better paying job. And you get to keep most of the money. I only ask that you pay for room and board, and you’ll have a better room. But, I have to show you what to do first.” He lowered his mouth and crushed hers with it.

Against her will, he picked her up and put her on the bed. Her kicks and screams did nothing to dissuade the nefarious scheme he was planning for Sally Daniels.

* * * * *

Dexter Washington never came back for her. Sally had recovered from Bill’s assault, but he’d made her one of his entertaining women. She was forced night after night, and sometimes during the day, to do what strange men wanted. Things she knew a woman shouldn’t do before being married. For the first few months, she cried after every caller left, and sometimes during.

She spent three years as a woman of the night before she met one special man: Matthew Richards. He came from Colorado Springs once a month on bank business for his father. He’d visit her every time, and sometimes stayed with her for days on end, buying her time so no one else could request her.

“You’re my best girl, Sally.” She smiled more when he was near. He treated her like a lady, showing her that men weren’t supposed to be cruel when they made love to a woman. “One day, Sally, I’m gonna make an honest woman outta you and take you away from here: Away from this life. You deserve better.”

Sally looked forward to his visits and even made excuses why she wouldn’t see other men. Bill would have none of it! He forced himself on her every time she did that. The last time, she’d managed to gather enough strength to kick him where it hurt the most. It backfired. He hit her and hard on the face and in the stomach, leaving her doubled over in pain. She was glad he wasn’t able to finish the deed that time. She’d get away from Bill Mulholland, even if it meant risking her life. And she’d run. She’d run all the way to Colorado Springs to find the only man who’d ever shown her love. 

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