Chapter Fourteen

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The morning sun kissed Sally’s cheek as she rolled over and sank deeper into the warmth of her bed. She felt well rested, and yet she wanted more. Her belly said she needed food, and quickly. And she really had to use the privy. Opening her eyes, the first person she saw was a  fair-haired, freckled girl she didn’t remember. “Who are you?”

“Rita.” She said, smiling.

“Where’s Juliette? Edna?” No, Sally had not been fortunate enough to forget her circumstances. She knew exactly where she was, how she had managed to be there, and who she was missing. “How long have I been asleep?”

“Three days. Edna and Juliette went for food supplies. They should be back soon. Henry’s downstairs, working on something or other, and Eli and Otto are on watch. You’re safe from anyone who might want to hurt you.” Sally groaned. She didn’t feel like explaining her situation, again, to another young girl who was probably no more than thirteen or fourteen, and ill-fated to work in Boulder for Bill.

“I’ve been asleep for three days?” Sally wondered why she was dry, clean, and in fresh clothing. Her head hurt like crazy. She hesitantly put two fingers on the bump.

“Almost four, really, but Edna wouldn’t let me wake you. She said it was best for you and your child to sleep until you came to on your own. The doctor checked you, and said babe’s fine.” At her mention of the baby, Sally put a palm down on her ever-rounding middle. The baby rewarded her with a hard kick. She laughed as the child continued. “The baby! It’s moving!” She giggled, but then sadness swept over her like she had not felt in months. “He’s missing it.” She thought it fascinating that her mind didn’t picture Matthew missing his baby moving, but Buddy. Instantly, her hands went to her face, and a raucous of sobs proceeded from her being.

“Oh, he’ll see soon enough. There, there. It will be okay. I’m sure Bill will be excited when he does feel it move.”

Repulsion took Sally from tears to dry heaves in a moment. “I need the basin. NOW!” But the girl wasn’t fast enough, and Sally ran to lean out the window, vomiting on the guard. The other’s laughter sent her blood cold. She knew that laugh. He’d been one of Bill’s goons for quite some time, even though he was only one and twenty years of age. He’d visited her a few times, and she wished she didn’t remember it. She leaned out and, once again, emptied her stomach, but this time on the jackal. They were both mad now and she was trying not to giggle.

“Serves ‘em both right!” She scoffed. “Now, may I have some water and food? And I need some relief, if you understand?” The girl nodded, bringing her the pot, and then ran out, shutting the door behind her.


Corinne opened her eyes to find no sign of Ryne. She yawned, stretched, and wiped the sleep from her eyes. After waking a bit, she looked around. The room was small, with only a bed, a small dresser with a mirror, a chair, a chamber pot for personal use, and a pitcher of water to freshen up. One small window faced east, allowing the morning sun to light the space.

She thought to explore Denver some, but then thought better of it. Ryne would be fuming if she left unaccompanied; especially considering the reason for their presence in the city to begin with. It was here, in this very city that she realized her feelings for her husband, and where they’d shared their first kiss. She couldn’t hide her feelings even now; grinning and blushing as if he were standing there. He made her feel like the only woman in the world, and she was glad for it. The door opened quickly, taking her breath away, and belying her thoughts.

“What, pray-tell, has my bride blushing this time of day?” His deep voice matched his expression, which told her where his mind was going with that question.

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